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When you try your best, but you don't succeed

When you get what you want, but not what you need

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse


(⚠️: THE ACTS OF CHILD NEGLIGENCE, definition: a form of abuse, in this case, emotional abuse)

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(⚠️: THE ACTS OF CHILD NEGLIGENCE, definition: a form of abuse, in this case, emotional abuse)

Home. It's supposed to be a place where ones should feel comfortable. Usually, a home includes family, friends and whatever that makes any person feels happy. However, in Keiji's case, home doesn't feel home at all. It's just a building, where he lives in to sleep, eat and getting ready for his days. He never feels excited to be in his home at all.

Reaching a big mansion, he rings the bell, and the gate opened immediately. "Welcome home, young master", one of the maids greeted Keiji and took his bag. "Your mom and dad are home. They called you to greet them". The maid gave him a sympathetic look. It took everything in Keiji to stop himself from sighing by that command. His legs feel like it glued to the floor and he really doesn't want to face his parents, not after he is tired after practice.

With a shaky hand, he opened the door to a room. This is the same room that his parents always scold if he's slacking, this is the same room he always been locked if he dares to defend himself from his parents' expectations, and this also the same room that his parents always interrogates him on how's he doing. The difference about his parents' way of showing their love for him is that, they only ask him about his achievements, in his studies specifically. Never about his health, never about his interests, or about his friends.

Akaashi Kazuyo and Akaashi Keiko. Both are big names in the corporate world. Their organization runs most school in Japan, Fukurodani Academy and Nekoma High are one of them. Hence, it is given that they would want a son that is 'perfect' to inherit their wealth. In their eyes, the 'perfect' son would have the best academic achievements. He must have other talents too. Which is why Akaashi Keiji knows how to play piano and violin. He also have joined some of the musical competitions when he was in primary schools. But dropped since he couldn't find it in himself to enjoy what's he's doing. With his grandparents' help, he convinced his parents to allow him stop playing those instruments as he feels tired doing those. Of course they accept only if he will pour the wasted efforts in his academics. And also, he must be athletic too. Hence, he is an aspiring volleyball player and going to Fukurodani based on the recommendation from his achievements. Although his parents are the owner of the school, he enters with his own efforts.

"Excuse my intrusion"

"Welcome home, Keiji" "Come have a seat, son"

He took a deep breath, getting ready to listen to what's his parents want to say.

"How's school?" He's screaming inside. After months of not seeing each other, that's the first thing his father got to ask. His parents never ask on how it is going with his life, maybe found a new hobby. Or maybe what he wants for his birthday.

"I'm doing great. I got the first place for my year on the latest test" he's aware that his parents already know this info. Somehow, they still need to hear this from himself.

"That's great. Keep it up. Seeing that you dropped playing violin and piano, you must have much time to do some studying". Hearing that, Keiji took a deep breath. His mom really have to mention that to make him feel bad about himself. If he has done something that worth to be praised, his parents always find something to make him feel hopeless.

"What's the name of the sport you play? Basketball?" his father asked.


"Yeah... that... how was it? Did you afford to be a regular player?"


"Good. Remember, no wasting your time with doing unnecessary things. We have a really high expectations from you to continue our business. All of the comforts you're enjoying now is from your parents' hard works. So, the only way for you to repay us is by meeting our expectations"

"Yes, dad"

"Good. Now go to your room and do some studies. No slacking" his mom dismissed their obviously one sided discussion.

"Thanks, mom"

Keiji closed the door of his room

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Keiji closed the door of his room. Tears run down through his cheek, he feels so empty. Why can't his parents treat him like any other parents do to their child, show him that they care, giving him all the support to do what he wants to do. Comfort? He can't feel any comfort at all. All his life, he only feels hollow, cold and even strangled. He did everything to make his parents proud of him, however they always find his efforts are not enough.

 He did everything to make his parents proud of him, however they always find his efforts are not enough

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sorry for making keiji's parents the antagonists here *bows*

Published on: 18/12/2021

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