Chapter 38 - The story that no one knows

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A/n : Hi guys. I'm back again. I know last chapter is a bit complex for you to understand.

I will try to explain. You know a person has a few times where their soul is likely get slipped away from this world. A certain times, I'm sure because I have read it. Like not particularly but in brief.

Min Y/n that day after splashing water on Emara. Had this particular time of point where her soul was about to slip away. In real world Y/f/n has a similar situation, they both were literally were in a situation close to death, and as the situations met, their wishes got fulfilled on the red moon's night.

Got it!? I know it is complex...but still I tried 😅.

Ok now you already know. The words in ittalics are flash backs and the past.

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Let's meet in next chapter, yours lovely author is signing off till then.

Ignore if there are any grammatical mistakes. 😅


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"You have a girl!? A beautiful one at that! I didn't know till now." A rough voice spoke and the 10 year old girl squeezed herself behind her mother's tall frame as the man with grey hair eyed her in detail.

"Isn't she lovely!? Beautiful, gorgeous and pretty just like her mother." The woman gushed about the charms of herself in name of her daughter while counting the bills that were handed over to her after a while because of her work. A satisfactory smirk twinkled on her lips as she found a little more than her pay for his visit.

"What's her name?" The man asked as he adjusted his pants, checking if he had secured the belt tight around his waist. He had his eyes on young children always and this particular petite thing hiding behind her mother seems to taste good which he wouldn't forget for a while.

Her soft skin, cute cheeks, innocent eyes and particularly those quivering lips made his desire two folds even though he had just spent a few satisfying hours with the woman who gave birth to the 10 year old.

"Lily, Lily Jasper" The woman smiled as she brought her trembling child infront of her giving the man a full view of her daughter while the little one squirmed under the man's gaze which was reading her from head to toe.

Right, it wasn't her first time, standing infront of all those men who often visit their house, or to be exact her mother's bedroom. Their eyes, those cruel eyes with a smirk had always made her shiver. But she knew her mother wanted them to be happy and thus she has no option but to face those men almost every day.

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