New school, New life.

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Jimin's POV

Today is the day I start at a new school. I wake up and took a shower.I put on some black shorts with a pastel purple hoodie that was tucked in to make my waist line visual. I add earrings, a choker, some chains and other accessories. I then go to my dresser and do my make up hoping to have a good day at school. I then go down stairs.

"Good Morning mom!"I said as I ran down stairs.

"Hi sweetie. I made you some toast. Your father said you can use his car to get to school,He's taking the day off." She says. She then gives me the car keys.

"Thank you! Bye! Love you!" My muffled voice say as I walk out the door with toast in mouth and putting my hair in a ponytail all at the same time.

I get in the car and pray for a good day.


I walk into door frames of the school. Every stop what they were doing and stared. I started to panic on the inside but showed my confidence and walked the halls. All eyes were on me. Some eyes looked at me with amazement.  Others looked at me with disgust. When I walked into classroom I saw no teacher. Just students of all type. Some were rough housing, some were reading while others just talked. A boy with blond hair with pink streaks walked up to me. He had a pink overall dress on. His appearance was very cute. He wore a backpack with angel wings on it. And he had all types of little cute barrettes in his hair. I look down to see his thigh high socks and platform sneakers.

"Hi! You must be Jimin the new kid! My name is Hoseok! Come sit with me and my friend! You seem cool and I love your shoes!"

He spoke quickly and pulled me towards a desk. I had no idea what was happening. It all happen so fast. I didn't have a chance to reply. We stopped at a desk with a gray haired boy. He had his head down with airpods in his ears. He looked like a loner. He also looked a little scary. He had a lot of eyeliner on with white eye contacts. He then looks up at us.

"Ah, Hoba, I have a snack for you. Want me to fee-" then he stopped talking. "Hello. I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi." He said giving me a small smile.

"Uhh, Park! Park Jimin." I say nervously.

I sit down with the pair to talk.

"So,Jimin, why did you come here?" Hoseok asks with curiosity.

"My school recently burned down and this is the second best choice yea."

"Oh no! That's so sad." He says in disappointment.

"Well um how old are you?" Yoongi questions as he opens a bag of snacks and feeds it to Hoseok.

"17, you?" I replied. "Me and yoongs are 18."

We heard the class quiet down as the teacher walked in. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Kang, your science teacher for this year."


It was now lunch time and set off to find my friends,Jungkook and Taehyung. I see them at a table across the lunchroom

"Hey lovelies! How are we doing to day?"

"JIMIN!!!" They screamed. We then got into a group hug and sat down. They moved to this school for the same reason I did.

"So, you spotted any cuties today?" Taehyung says.

"Tae! It's only the first day! Hold your horses damn!" I say in response. "I'm not ready for a boyfriend!"

"What about two?" He says with a smirk on his face. He pointed at something behind me. That something being Hoseok and Yoongi. "No.nonononono.NO!" I say in anger.

"Oh come on!" Jungkok joins in. "They are totally your type!"

Hoseok and Yoongi walks towards us. "Mind if with sit here?"Yoongi asks. "Not at all dearie." Taehyung says. They sat down and stated talking with taekook. "Hey uh, Mind if my friend can join us?" Hoseok asks "Why not!" "Thank you! Be right back." He leaves the table and comes back with a guy with purple hair and glasses.

"Hi! I'm Namjoon!"

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