~Girls in bikinis~

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This is a oneshot and has nothing to do with the actual story. It was just for fun. It is based of the song "Girls In Bikinis" by Poppy. Also I am using the same characters. Enjoy!

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in jungkook's room and Jungkook was looking for clothes go to the beach. They have decided to go to the bech every Saturday during the summer. "UGHHHH!" Jungkook groans as he throws another shirt on the floor. He is currently shirtless and is on the urge of crying. "what about that one?" Jimin says bored while pointing at shirt. Jungkook picks up the shirt and tries it on. "So, what do we think?" Jungkook says. There was a moment of silence until Taehyung says, "Take it off." "I say keep it on!" Jimin says as he raises his hand. Jungkook was wearing a hoodie crop top without sleeves. Tae looks at Jimin with a confused face. "But, Why?" Tae says. "Because if you think about it Jungkook never wears anything like this, also his abs and arms are gonna be out. Makes him look hot." "AND THEN HE IS GONNA ATTRACT WOMEN! WE DON'T NEED THAT!" Taehyung screams. Jungkook awkwardly stands by the closet. "Can we just go?" Jungkook says, interrupting them. Both of the boys gets up quad grabs their bags. All of the drive to the beach and all they see are girls in bikinis. Jimin was kinda confused on why there were so many of them. He sees one walking up to him She has a black bikini on but she had low waist pants. She looked like she was dressed for a pool party in the 2000's. "Hi~" She says. "Um, hi?" Jimin says awkwardly. "You're cute. Can I have your number." she said. "Uhh," before Jimin could say something, a boy calls out for the girl, who he assumes is 'Yoonji'. The girl turns her head to the voice that was calling her. The voice calling was Yoongi. He walks to them."Yoongi?" Jimin asks. "Ah! Jimin. Hi.." He says as he tucks his hair behind his ear. "Wait! That's Jimin?! Holy shit Yoongs! How the fuck do you find these people?!" She says suprise. Suddenly out of nowhere, Hoseok smacks Yoonji in the back.of her head. "Where the fuck did you come from?" she groans. Hoseok ignores her and looks to Jimin. "Hi! Chimmy!" he says smiling. "H-Hi." Jimin choked on his words. Hoseok had on veru short shorts and his thighs were on full display. "So, uh...Who is that?" Jimin says pointing at Yoonji. "This is my sister, Yoonji. Usually she doesn't go up to people and ask for their numbers." Jimin laughs at what Yoongi said. "I do what I like." she shrug and walks away. "So who are you here with?" Hoseok asks. "Jungkook and Taehyung. They went to go get drinks." "Oh! Well, do wanna go swim?" Hoseok asks. "yeah sure." Jimin responds.

~Next Saturday~●○●○●○●○●○●○●○
Jimin invited Yoongi and Hoseok to come to the beach with him, Taehyung and Jungkook. They all arrived and Taehyung set up their towels and umbrella. Once again Jimin sees more girls in bikinis. They were very pretty with all different types of designs and looks. Poka dot, see through, pin stripe, A-Cup, D-cup. 'Dear lord,What's next?" Jimin thought. There were girls in sandals, some were on rollerskates and some in platform heels. A few hours pass by. They all swam and ate and now they are just sitting there towels. Jimin is watching the girls across the beach playing volleyball. He has his legs up to his chest with Hoseok and Yoongi next him, talking. Out of no where Jimin says, "I wanna see boys in bikinis too." he then look at them. "They'd look good on you." he says smiling. Hoseok smilies back while Yoongi turns red at what Jimin said. When everyone got home, Hoseok somehow convinced Yoongi to wear a bikini with him. He says that it's for Jimin, so Yoongi agreed. They went the store the following week, looking for bikinis that fit them well.

~The following Saturday~●○●○●○●○
Jimin was sitting was sitting on his towel when he got a phone call from Hoseok. "Hello?" "Chimmy we're here!" Hoseok says over the phone. Jimin looks behind him to see Hoseok and Yoongi in bikinis in a distance. Hoseok was a tropical themed bikini and a green visor hat with his roller blades on. Yoongi had only the bikini bottom with a choker and platform sandals. He was wearing a big sun hat and holding a beach bag. Jimin froze up. In his eyes they were more prettier than girls in bikinis. "Boys in bikinis." He whispers under his breath. He gets up and runs to them. "You actually wore them? You didn't have too." he says embarrassed. He didn't think they would actually wear one. "Well, we did." Yoongi always looking down, also in embarrassment. "You guys look nice."Jimin says as he hugs both of them. For rest of the day, Jimin just watched the most prettiest boys have fun in their cute bikinis.
"So pretty~"

I hope you guys(girls or non-binary peeps) liked this little side story. Byeee!😗

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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