VLINE leader

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"Hi! I'm Namjoon"

Me and Taehyung were surprised while Jk was amazed.  "HERO HYUNG!!!" Jungkook says in excitement. "You go here??" "Yeah! I usually sit with these two." He says as he points at Hoseok and Yoongi. "Aren't you jinnie hyung's boyfriend?" I ask. "Yes! I am! I assume you are his band mates? I have only met Jungkook."He takes out his hand expecting me to shake it. I shook it of course. I didn't want to seem rude. "I'm actually meeting up with him today, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you guys came with us!" He says. "We would LOVE to come!"Jungkook says with stars in his eyes.


Namjoon's POV

Jin stood there confused. He really thought he would get some alone time with me.

"Hyung! How are you?" Jimin says greeting jin. 

"Good, uh give me a minute. Let me talk to joon.

He pulls me to the side.

"JOONIEEE! I thought it was just gonna be us two!" He whined.

"I know, I know! But they wanted to see you since you you go to university and all."

"Okay, but who are the other two? Never seen them before." He points at Hoseok and Yoongi.

"The short one is yoongi and the one in the dress is Hoseok."

Then Jungkook caught our attention when he said "HYUNGS LET'S GO TO THE ARCADE!!" Jin sighed knowing that he was gonna have to pay for all of it. "Yea, sure, whatever." He replies. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. He then put his arms around my waist while I put my arms around his neck. "If you behave, maybe you can get that alone time later." I whisper in his ear. "I'll be waiting~"

We walk back over to the group.

"Hi! I'm Seokjin, leader of VLINE."

Sorry this is short. Thank you for reading!

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