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Jimin's POV

So we got into the car and started driving. Well actually I had my dad's car. I just drove there myself. We actually had no idea where we were going. We ended up going to a skating rink with an arcade because Hoseok coincidentally had his roller blades with him. When we arrived Jungkook and Hoseok were jumping around in excitement like kids on Christmas. All of us were skating except for Namjoon and jin. Namjoon did not know how to skate and jin didn't want him to feel alone. I put on my skates and go into the rink. 

"Jimin!!" I hear a familiar voice behind me. It was Hoseok. He had bright pink knee pads and elbow pads with rainbow roller blades. I also see Yoongi behind with his hands in his pockets skating towards me too. "Hi! Hoseok! You're very good at skating! Is it a hobby of yours?" I ask. By the time I asked him and Yoongi were already there, next to me. "Yeah! I been skating seen I was 6. Not easy to learn though." He says. He then started skating faster doing little twirls and jumps. "Pfft. Show off." Yoongi says chuckling. I see a red blush creep on his cheeks. "Aww! You're blushing!" "WHAT! NO I'M NOT!"  "You totally were." We skate there in comfortable silence watching Hoseok. It wasn't completely silence because there was music in the background. "So uh, how long have you been friends with hoseok?" I ask. "Since forever. We met in kindergarten. He was very friendly to everyone especially me." "He such a sunshine" I say. "More like the whole sun!" Yoongi laughs. I laughed with him then held out my hand. He gave me a smile and took it. I just met yoongi but he feels very comfortable to be around. We then continued watching Hoseok skate.

Jungkook's POV

"Tae Tae! Look what I got you!" I say holding a huge blue teddy. "Aw kookie it's so cute! Thank you!" He says as he hugs the teddy bear. "How about I get you some food? Does that sound good?" He says wrapping his arm around mine and holding the bear in the other. "Yes Please! I'm starving!"

Jin's POV

"You know Jin, you could've gone skating without me." Namjoon says with a pout. "Well I didn't want to. I would be bored if I did. The reason why I'm here is because you are here. Now come with me to play that game." I pull Namjoon towards the game. "Ugh! You're an idiot." He says he kissed my cheek. We then proceed to play.


Jimin's POV

It was sadly now time to go. Jin planned to drop all of them off since he didn't want them taking a bus at night. When I got to my house, I unlocked the door, went up stairs and flopped on my bed. "HONEY! IS THAT YOU?" My mom yells from her room. "YES! IT'S ME MA!" I didn't feel tired at all but it was only 8:51. I didn't expect to feel tired. I then started scrolling through insta and called it a night.

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