Back at school....

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Jimin's POV

As usual, I got up, took a shower, got dressed,did my make-up, ate breakfast and walked out the door. Today I was wearing a black turtle neck while a baby blue sweater was hanging off my shoulder. I had pastel pink jeans on and topped it all off with having my hair in pigtails. My dad dropped me off and was greeted by Hoseok in a white car.

 "Hey Jimin!" He waves."Hi Hoseok. Is this your car?" "Yes, I was just parking! Would you mind waiting for me and Yoongs at the door?" Hoseok moved aside a bit and revealed yoongi who was waving. I waved back and responded with " Ok! I'll be there.!" I walked to doors of the school and waited for Hoseok to find a parking space.

When we got inside I still received the strange looks from yesterday. Yoongi and Hoseok got the same looks. Not just that, they also got homophobic slurs. It honestly made my heart break. I watch them as they sadly walked down the hall. Turns out there was a rumor that they were dating and it spread around the school. I heard one of the girls talking about it to her friends. It's 2021 for ffs! And they still homophobic?? Ugh, people. When we got in class, they were back to their old selves. I was curious about the rumors so I asked the dumbest question anyone could ask:

"Are the rumors true?"

It went silent. They didn't even look at me. Hoseok then spoke up.

"Uh, no....At first me and Yoongi had a friends with benefits thing and of course we kept it a secret. But one day a girl in school caught us kissing. She then told everybody we were dating but that wasn't the case. She supported us but didn't know the harm it would bring to us. Ever since then we never did the friend benefits thing..."

" oh...when did this happen?" I ask.

"Last year. The girl graduated though." Yoongi said while fiddling with his fingers.

"Now we are complete outcast."Hoseok sighed."but we are always reminded that we have each other."  Hoseok then looks at Yoongi.

"Ugh! You are so cheesy." He giggles.

To me, they were adorable. They cared for each other and that was that.

"Oh and uh, Jimin I like you're outfit today!" Hoseok says.

"I like yours too! The skirt with the fishnets are *MWAH* and Yoongi I love your boots they are soo cute, they match the outfit perfectly."

Currently Hoseok was wearing A white skirt with a pastel rainbow shirt with a white collar poking out. He also had on white fishnets. Yoongi on the other had wore a black T-shirt, a striped long sleeve under with skint jeans and with chains hanging from his pants. They were sooo cute. They are so nice and has a sense of fashion! How could people not like them!

Time skip~

When we got out of 3rd period we went to lunch. We sat in same place as yesterday. With the same people. Except for Namjoon. He wasn't there.

"Where is Namjoon?" I ask.

"Oh yea! I forgot to tell you. Namu likes to go to the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch." Hoseok replies.

Yoongi then jumps in: "We don't really know what does in the library but we just assumed he's studying" He shrugs. I look over at tae and kook. They acting very lovey dovey. Feeding each other, booping each other's noses, calling each other names and Jungkook had his hand on Tae's thigh. I tapped Hoseok, pointed at taekook, then faked gagged. He giggles at my joke. Boy, was his laugh beautiful. Those sweet sounds came out of his sweet lips. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bell ring. We say our goodbyes and go back to class.

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