Secret Mission

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 today I decided I would ask Hottie #1 and Hottie #2 (Hoseok and Yoongi) to come over my house for movie night. I didn't tell taehyung or JK about this because I just wanted it to be only us three there. Me Yoongi and Hoseok. I just wanted to get to know them better. And that is now my mission. Get to know Sope better and could possibly get two boyfriends in only a few months. Yes,that's the plan. I spot the two at Yoongi's locker. The smaller boy seemed to be looking for something and Hoseok was helping him.

"Well,  where did you have it last?" The blond asks.

"I can't remember! I would usually have it with me.!"

"I'm sure it's here some where. You probably left it at home."

"Hoseok you know I never forget!"

"Well I bought mine! You can use it!"

"Thank you Hoseok, but you only have light shades."

"Oh yea..."

I walk over to them looking very worried. "Uh,Are you guys ok?" I ask. "Oh Hi Chim! Yoongi here is looking for his make up bag! He didn't get to do his Make -up this morning so he decided to do it at school and now he can't find it. I'm trying to helping him." Hoseok says. "You could always use mine! I have dark shades and lights shades!" " Thanks! I really appreciate it." Yoongi says giving me a warm gummy smile. He takes my bag and runs to the bathroom. "So uh Hoseok, would you and Yoongi would like to come my place tonight? Y-you know, like for a movie or a sleepover?" "Sure! We don't have plans any way. Text me the address." He then takes out a piece of paper and scribbles his number on it. "Here." He holds it out and I take it. By the time the bell rings. Yoongi comes back and give me my bag.

Time skip~

I was HELLA nervous. Like really really really nervous. I was running around my room trying to find a cute pajama set. I ended up wearing a black graphic T- shirt with pink and blue shorts. Also ended up finding a cute bat themed eye mask. I gathered as much snacks as I can. I turn on the TV and opened netflix. That's when I hear a "ding dong". " Sweetie! Your friends are here!" "Coming!" I then ran down stairs to see Hoseok and Yoongi of course. They arrived together. "Yo." Yoongi says while Hoseok has a huge smile on his face.  Hoseok was wearing a.candy themed pajama set which really wass a crop top and PJ pants while Yoongi on the other hand was wearing a navy blue silk PJ set. "Oh! Uh, come in!" They both walked in. "Take you shoes off there." I point by the door. "And go ahead and sit on the couch. The remote and snacks are on the table. You guys can pick the movie." " You sure know how to treat your guest." Yoongi says. "Yea, I guess so." I reply. Me and Yoongi started talking while Hoseok picked a movie. " Wait, You and Hoseok live together?" " Yea, we're roommates. We have two dogs too." " Really! What's their names?" "Mickey and Holly. The are both boys." Yoongi then proceeds to show me pictures of the dog. "I GOT IT!" We turn our heads to Hoseok who was the one that screamed. " Let's watch 'Wish you'!" He clicks the movie and lay back on the couch. He sat in the middle of me and Yoongi. "Popcorn" he asks. "Yea sure." 

When the movie was over talked for a little bit played some games and went to bed. I was snuggled up between them. It was so warm. It felt nice. Looks like my plan is working!

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