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Chase pov

               When I woke up I felt sick I walked over to the door I tried to push it open but that did not work I backed up and ran forward at the door at a supersonic level of speed and kicked down the door. I went back and found the tour right as it ended and got on the bus and went home since it was the end of the day. When I got home I went straight to bed. The next day when I woke up I got up to get changed and before I knew it I was already changed and at school. When I finally realized I was at school I was already pushed up against the locker by Jason and his goons. I don't know why yet but when I was pushed up against the locker I could have sworn I heard lightning thunder in my eyes and Jason must have seen it too because he dropped me down with a little bit of fear in his eyes. He tried to run away but I moved at blinding speed and took him to the ground his head slammed against the locker and he was knocked clean out. I then grabbed his goon at lightning speed and grabbed some lightning that started to form in my hand out of sparks coming off of my body I threw it at them and they passed out. No one knew what happened because he moved too fast for people to see people just guessed they were passed out from dehidration. School also went by in a blur. On my way home I passed a Subway food place I started to have a craving for food for some reason. I went to the Subway and ordered five foot-longs and ate them. I then went home to recharge for the rest of the night.(See what I did there)

The next chapter will be tomorrow because right now I need sleep I had a busy week of school.

Oh and guy when it says this story is finished just ignore it I will try to fix that at some point because I will still update if you guys really want the content to be better say something in the comments. But I DO PROMISE THAT I WILL UPDATE so bye for now my friends.

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