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Chase pov

 I woke up Sunday morning and started searching the internet for spandex clothing (a reference to The Amazing Spider-Man movie) I ordered a one-piece spandex suit. When it was delivered to my house I did not want my Aunt to find out about it. (ok this is sorta a spiderman like background ok) When I got to my room with it I started to add the things I want to it. The spandex one-piece is dark red with a hand-made spandex mask that I made. The suit also has a hood on it too. To finish the design of the whole suit I got into the suit and summoned some electricity onto the suit and it covered the suit for a second and then it disappeared and the suit was almost finished the lenses of the mask were exactly like the way I wanted them to be. They were sideways lightning bolts and the mouth was two sideways lightning bolts connecting to each other. the body from my neck to my ankles was exactly the way I wanted it to be too. my chest had two lightning bolts going down my shoulders to the center of my chest where I had a giant lightning bolt slightly curved. There was a lightning bolt going down my arms from the side of both of my shoulders down to my gloved hands. There were lightning bolts going down my legs to my ankles. And my shoes were finally speed proof and they had had special spandex surrounding all of each shoe. There were little lightning bolts all over my shoes. And had two big lightning bolts on the side of each shoe. (And the lightning bolts are yellow) I went outside to see if it was good and I started running. I have an earpiece that lets me know of ongoing crimes in the area because I took a chip out of one of the police scanners that the police have and built it into the earpiece. So now I'm running to a bank robbery that is happening in the area I speed into the bank. I learned that there were hostages in the bank so I zoom into the bank and get them all out. The guy robbing the bank was in a metal green suit he shoots a green plasma shard at me and I fly through a wall. And I could almost hear my ribs cracking. I get up and speed at the weird green metal dude and threw a lightning bolt at him and he flew back a few feet I run at him and punch him multiple times and threw a barrage of lightning bolts at him. Then the green metal guy which I'm gonna call Plasma because I realized his suit was made out of plasma metal shot a giant blast of plasma at me which I caught and threw back at him and he passed out. I limp out of the building and give Plasma to the police and the growing crowd was asking multiple questions. A journalist asked who I was and I said I am SpeedFreak.

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