Beach Playdate

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Chase's POV

After another successful mission, me, the other pups and Ryder all went to beach to play since Ryder said we were "such good pups". Me, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma were playing tag, Rubble and Tracker were playing volleyball while Skye and Everest were busy talking. 

"Can't catch me Rocky" I said.

" Oh yeah. Just you wait, Chase" Rocky replied.

Rocky kept chasing me until I came to a sudden stop. Rocky didn't stop running, so he crashed into me, causing us to tumble and fall down.

Marshall and Zuma saw us from afar, and came to see if we were alright.

"Are you guys okay?" Marshall asked, worried for us.

"Yeah. Geez, Chase, what was that for?" Rocky asked me.

"Oh....Uh....Nothing" I replied fast, and looked to the other side of the beach.

"Oh, I see, it's Skye again, isn't it dude?" Zuma asked, while Marshall and Rocky  gave me a knowing look.

"What, No, and who's Skye?" I say, sounding ridiculous

"Skye the cockapoo, our "friend", duh" Marshall says

"Ok, fine, it is. But I can't help it. She's so pretty" I say, dreamy like

" Then, go talk to her." Rubble says

" What, No. I can't do that. She makes me feel nervous." I said

" Dude, we're doing this cause we're your buds." Zuma said

" Yeah. GET UP AND JUST GO TALK TO HER." Rocky replied.

"Ok. Fine. Geez" I say. Then, I start walking to where Skye was talking with Everest.

"HEY, CHASE. WAIT" Marshall yelled after me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

" I noticed you're looking a little sweaty and hot. Here, let me cool you down. *ruff* Water cannon". Marshall calls out his water cannon and sprays water all over me.

"MARSHALL. STOP" I yell at him.

"Oops. Sorry" Marshall said as he deactivated his water cannon.

"Alright. If you don't mind, I'm going now." I said, as I kept walking.

" Wait, what if I forget what to say" I yelled back at the others.

" You won't " Zuma said

" Yeah, Just ask her if she'd want to play " Rocky said.

" Ok, thanks guys " I said. Then, I walk over to the girls.

Skye's POV

I was at the beach, talking with my good friend Everest. She's my best friend, and a member of the Paw Patrol. She's also a Siberian husky. We're just gossiping about how life in the Paw Patrol is going. And then Everest started asking me surprising questions.

" So, Skye, who do you like? " Everest ask

" W-What do you mean, Eve?" I ask

" Oh, come on, Skye. I know you're totally crushing on someone " Everest said

I was about to talk when I saw another pup approaching us, and he was looking kinda soaked with water. When I see who it is, my cheeks turn bright red. He keeps walking towards shaking off his wet fur. I actually thought it was happening in slow motion.

" Yoo-hoo. I'm asking you a question. " Everest says, waving her paw, in front of my face to get my attention.

" It's Chase " I reply

" Oh, You like Chase? " Everest ask

Then, I started to get a little annoyed, thinking she was asking too many questions.

" Everest please be quiet. And no, what I mean is Chase is coming over here " I said

" Oh " Everest replies, realizing what I said.

" H-Hello g-girls. H-How are you doing ? " Chase says shyly

" Hi, Chase. Yeah, me and Skye are fine, but thanks for being caring " Everest says

" Yeah thanks " I said, then giggle nervously. To be honest, I have a massive crush on him, but while I'm playing with the other pups, along with him and going on missions, I just act around him in a normal friendly way.

" Hey, I got an idea. Why don't I go over there and give you guys some alone time. " Everest says, then winks at me. " Ok bye " she says, and walks away from Chase and me.

"What?! Is she crazy? She can't just leave me here alone with him" I thought. Now, what am I suppose to say to him. Think Skye think. " do you want to play " I ask Chase.

" Well, I was playing tag with other pups and- "

" Oh, Great idea! Why don't we play tag together. Tag you're it "

" Ha! I'm gonna get you. "

We chased each other around the beach. Soon, I felt like Chase was gonna tag me. But, when I turned around, Chase was no longer behind me. And before I realized what was going on, Chase had jumped on me out of nowhere. Our faces were so close.


The next morning......

Ryder's POV

" Psssst.....Chase, wake up " I said, trying to wake my German Shepherd pup Chase.

" Yeah Ryder. What's up? " He said, waking up with a yawn.

 " You know how you always said you wanted to do morning patrol yourself? " I asked

 " Oh yeah " Chase said

" Well, surprise! Today, you're allowed to go on morning patrol " I said excitedly.

" Really?! I mean thank you Ryder sir " he said excitedly yet serious

   I chuckled. " You're welcome, buddy "

" Hey Ryder, is it ok if Skye comes along with me? " Chase asks me again.

" Oh sure, But why do want Skye to come with you " I asks him, with my eyebrow raised.

" Because she's so beautiful. I MEAN because I want to have some company during patrol " He says, realizing what he said before.

" You've got a bit of crush on Skye, don't you? " I ask, giving him a knowing look

" Maybe " He said, blushing slightly.

" Ok Skye can come along with you. " I said

" Yes! Thank you Ryder " He says enthusiastically. Then, he runs off to change into his uniform.

 "Maybe him and Skye are made for each other. "  I thought.

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