More than friends?

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Everest's POV

It's been a while now. And I'm starting to grow into a full fledged grown dog. My best friend Skye has been with Chase the German Shepherd for a while now too. I have to admit I kinda miss hanging out with my best friend, but at least, she's having fun with Chase. They look so cute together. Then, one day, I saw that Skye was alone so I went to ask her a few questions about her and Chase.

" Hey Skye " I call out to her.

" Oh. Hi, Eve. What's up? " She asks me

" Hey. I just want to ask you a few questions about you and Chase. " I said.

" Uh....what about us? " She asks, a bit confused.

" It just you guys are sooo cute. Have you told him how you feel yet? " I asks

", I still consider us as friends. " She says, slightly blushing.

" Are you sure it's not "more than friends"? " I say.

" Wait. Why do you even think that? " She asks me.

" Because I think you still have a crush on him " I said.

" Ok maybe I do a little. " She said, as her blushing increased. " But it wouldn't be right to tell him now that we're still pups "

" Ok. Then, how about when you're teenagers, but if you don't tell him by then, then I will " I said

" Ok, sure. I tell him when we're teenagers " She replied, slightly with a sigh.

" Tell who what when we're teenagers? " A familiar voice said. It was Chase.

" and Skye were just talking about girl stuff " I say.

" Y-Yeah, just girl stuff " Skye said nervously.

" Uh...Ok, well, I'll see you guys later " Chase said, and ran back to the lookout.

" So, I should probably head back to the lookout now " Skye then said, after a short moment of silence.

" Yeah, Jake is probably wondering where I am right now. See you later. " I said, as I turned around, about to walk away.

" Ok, bye Eve. " Skye said, and walk back to the lookout.

"I'm starting to wonder if Chase feels for Skye as she does for him " I thought.

I must investigate that.......

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