A New Beginning

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Chase's POV

A week later.....

It's been a week now and Skye and I decided it was time for us to tell Ryder and the others that she's pregnant. I called all the dogs and Ryder to tell Skye and I had a special announcement.

" Everyone, I'm pregnant. " Skye announced.

The dogs started cheering and howling, congratulating Skye and me. Then Ryder came up to me.

" Congratulations Chase! I know you'll be a great dad! " He said.

" Thanks Ryder. " I replied.

" To tell you the truth, I knew Skye was pregnant the whole time. " Ryder then said, and winked at me.

" What?! How did you know? " I asked, surprised and a bit confused.

" I heard you and Skye talking about when was pregnant in the first place. " 

" You eavesdropped too?! " 

" Yeah, but anyway, I'm happy for you and Skye. "

" Thanks, Ryder sir. "

" You know since we're going to have puppies, that means we'll be having new members. "

" Great idea! We'll train my puppies to become members of the Paw Patrol. "

" And I could use some help preparing for their training sessions when they arrive. "

I knew he was referring to me, and so then I even more excited. " Chase is on Case! "

I knew it was the starting of a new beginning!

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