Paw Patrol Power-up and Truth Be Told

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Ryder's POV

I'm a pre-teenager now while the pups have become teenage dogs. Why does time fly so fast? Anyway, now that me and the pups, I mean ( dogs ) are now older, I think it's time I start upgrading their patrol suits and gear. I called Chase first, since he's the co-leader and first pup to be in the Paw Patrol.

" Chase, come here " I called out to him.

" Chase, reporting for duty, Ryder, sir " He replied, in a serious and mature deep voice.

I chuckled. " It's okay. I called you here cause I need to tell you something important, but you can't let the others know about it yet. "

" What is it? " Chase asked.

" Well, I figured now that we're much older, I should start upgrading your patrol gear, in case of any difficult situations, and starting with you since you're the first pup. " 

" Really, thank you Ryder " He said, as he jumped on me excitedly and starting licking my face

" You're welcome buddy. But promise me you won't tell the others " I said in a serious and confident voice.

" I promise. " He said, in a serious promising mood.

I chuckled and patted his head softly


Chase's POV

After Ryder had finished upgrading my gear, I went back outside to play ball with Zuma and Rubble.

" Hey, Chase " A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and saw it was Everest.

" Hey, Everest " I said, greeting her, " Have you come to hang out with Skye? " I then asked.

" I just came to ask you something " She replied.

"Oookay, what is it? " I asked, a bit confused.

" Do you have any feelings for Skye? " She asks.

At that moment, I started blushing profusely. How did she know if I have a crush on Skye? I thought.

" W-What do ya mean? " I asked, still blushing.

" Because you too have been spending a lot of time together, from when we were pups. "

" Ok maybe I do have some feelings for her "

" You mean you really like her? "

" Y-Yeah, I do like her a lot, in fact I love her " I admitted, severely blushing.

" Really? Since when? " She asked, surprised.

" Since we were pups. And we played together on the beach. I tried to tag her, so I hid and when she was wondering where I went, I pounced on her. Our faces were so close, that our noses practically touched. "

" Then why didn't you tell her how you feel back then? "

" 'Cause we were just pups. I didn't want to scare her off. "

" Well, now we're teens. Maybe you can tell how you feel now. " Everest then suggested.

" Great idea. I am gonna tell her how I feel. " I said, and started running off.

" Good luck. " She yelled after me.

I remembered that Skye went to the park, so I decided to go and see her there. On my way, I saw a field of flowers and tried to pick each one with Skye's favorite colors. And then I head towards the park to meet her.

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