Getting to the concert.

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Today was the day Kasandra and her friends were gonna go see one direction live for the first time. After she got done getting dressed she packed up her clothes and things she needed to get to their concert since it was in New York. After she was done she texted her friend Stacy:

Kasandra~hey Stacy are you ready?

Stacy~yasss!!! I can't wait to meet the boys!!

Kasandra~ okay I'll be there to pick you up in 5 minutes.

Stacy~ okay see you later.

End of conversation

After kasandra went to go pick up Stacy she went to Angie's , then Ariana's house. When they got to Jacqueline's house it was a disaster . Her dad was being such a butthole {} he wouldn't let her go . So it took us a while to get her . We had to hurry or else we would be late to our flight!! So we just have to kidnap {sneak her out} jacqueline. She went out through her window and then fell out of the window onto a big pile of poop . {}

"Well this is the best day ever," jacqueline said.

She couldn't come in the car so we just walked to Ariana's house so she can take a shower . After that we ran to the car and drove off. Of course there was traffic when we were on our to the airport.

So angie just switched places with ariana and said,"Move over losers!"

To the other cars, and just cut right in front of them. {} We had to get thee at 3:30 and it was already 3:15 . As soon as we got to the airport we just cut everyone and told them,

"Move do you know how important this flight is, if I don't get on this flight, I won't be able to see my boyfriend!!!!"

"Well he's not my boyfriend yet!" It was already 3:24 and we just needed to pass the security guards and we're done. It was already time for the plane to go when we got there luckily they didn't close the door yet. We were saved !

4 hours later

"Well that took a long time!" Stacy said.

"Yeah let's just go to the hotel already!"

"I'm tired," kasandra said.

"Well I guess somebody drank 50 gallons of coffee." Jacqueline said. While angie was over there jumping up and down, plus she didn't even sleep for the whole flight. {that girl is crazy} once we got to the hotel we all went to sleep until it was time to go to the concert.

Next day

Today was the day all of us were gonna go see the boys!!! Everyone was getting ready and eating breakfast.

1 hour later

When we drove to the concert there was a huge line to the entrance. "Looks like we'll be her for a while," {}Stacy said.

2 hours later

After 2 hours we finally made it in! We parked our car in front of the stadium, and left running. As soon as we went to our seats, 15 minutes later the boys came out!!!{} we all were screaming our lungs out.


After the concert we were VIPs, so we went backstage. Of course Jacqueline went to zayn, ariana went to Harry, and Stacy went to Liam. While I went to Niall {he's hot asf } then that's when of course Angie went to Louis and ask him questions about him and Harry. Then she tried to make larry kiss. Which then of course she got kicked out. So then we took a quick picture with the boys. And as we were leaving Harry pulled Ariana's arm. It was like he wanted her to stay with him, but then he gave her a piece of paper then hugged her. {Weird}

Back to the hotel

When we went to the hotel I told angie "why did you try to make Louis kiss Harry?"

"Because they are meant to be together!" Angie said.

I just laughed and went to ariana. When I walked up to her she was just zoned out. Like if she were dreaming. Then I hit her arm and she just looked at me. Then I asked her
"What did Harry give you?"

"His number," she said.

"Well has he text you?" Stacy said standing by her.

"Yup" she said.

"Well what did he say," jacqueline said in back of her like a creeper.

"He said that he wants all of us to go to Starbucks tomorrow at 3:00." Ariana said. Then all of us started to scream!!!! Especially Stacy, she started to cry! Then we stood up for a while then went to sleep. Stacy was the only one that stood awake because she was so excited to see Liam again.

Pinkyforever5 Larry_is_not_fake larry_221157 Larryism were the people who helped me with this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll write more soon. (Follow them)

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