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Angie pov

So I basically got a ticket of a 1500 fine for vandalizing the statue of liberty and at the moment I'm in a court room discussing my reasons.

"So Ms. Morfin what was the real reason for you to spray paint those words on the mother of our nation?" The jury spoke.

"Bc Larry is real, duh." I replied 

"Fr fam that shit is as real as air!!!" The jury yells getting up and high-fiving me .

"Yass!!, so am I free from charge, or ?" I asked

"Yea you're free to go, enjoy your life shipping Larry."

"Of course." I said.

That led to us exchanging numbers to fangirl or fanman as he said.


*after getting back from court*

"Hey do you guys want to watch a movie" Liam asked all of us. 

"What movie? " Zayn asked.

"Ooh I know, Anarchy .It's the second movie to the purge!" Louis exclaimed, looking very excited for some reason. He's probably thinking about Harry. ..

There was a chorus of okays and yeas around the room. I've already watched this movie so I guess I'll skip.

"Well I'm gonna read some Larry fics"  I announced walking away into the next room that had the bunks.

"Don't stay up to late." Jackie yelled out to me.

Niall pov

Wtf are Larry fics, I wanna know. How the hell am I gonna find out what it is.  I mean I can't Google it bc Liam checks my phone often.  (He has it on child lock, so I can't erase my history) fuck I'll have to lie to find out.

"Guys I'm heading to bed,  it's been a long day yah think" I said faking a yawn.

"Yea okay get some rest Nialler." Harry replied. 

"Kk, night guys! " I yelled walking into the other room looking for Angie. 

I found her on her bunk typing really fast on her phone. When she finished typing she looked up slowly as if ready to attack. Okay tf she be looking like a possessed demon thingy. I swear to Jackie's dad that she wasn't human ,until she said.

"Oh hey Niall whatcha doin"

Okay I'm nervous now, what if she laughs and tells the rest of the guys and girls. OMFG I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT LARRY FICS WERE. Kaaay I need to find my chill and ask her before she starts typing again.

"Okay umm.. well I wanted to know what Larry fics were?" I said nervously.

A look of excitement quickly took over her features as she literally pulled me off the floor onto her bunk while mumbling about 'niall being larry af' whatever that meant.

"Okay, do you really want to know?" She asked as I nodded eagerly. Like tf why do you think I asked ,stupid. Okay that was quite rude I shouldn't have called her stupid.

Angie raised her finger in the air signaling me that it'll take a minute. She flipped over her pillow to reveal an iPad and a box of tissues.

"Why the tissues?"

"You'll find out soon my young grasshopper" she said with much concentration in her voice.  Okay what the fuck is she planning?!

Angie pov

Okay first of all holy shurt. Niall fucking Horan just asked me what Larry fics were so of course I'm gonna show him.  I took my iPad and tissues out from under my pillow .

"Why tissues?" Niall asked oblivious as to was about to happen.

"You'll find out soon my young grasshopper" I replied with a smirk.

After a few minutes I was finally done setting up the story we were about to read, 27 minutes .

I turned to Niall who was sitting there quietly waiting for me to finish.

"So basically we're going to read a Larry fanfic together. Its called 27 minutes, I found it a few days ago, it's said to be very good. " I explained

"Oh okay"  He said getting comfortable.

"Are you Niall Horan ready for the ride of your life? " I asked giving him a sly smirk.

"I would like to believe that I am "


Third person

Three hours have passed since Niall and Angie started reading and they were up to the part where Louis announces he's getting married to Eleanor .

At that point they were both sobbing messes,  whining about Eleanor being a fake bitch . ( this is fiction, I do not think of her this way) And Harry being heart broken .

Suddenly Angie hopped down from the bunk, pulling Niall along as they made there way into the sitting lounge where everyone was seated watching the movie .

Angie went straight up to Louis with Niall on tow.

"Why did you propose to eleawhore! " angie yelled, soon to be joined by Niall.

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED Harry,  YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE HIM ,WHY" Niall collapsed to floor with Angie crying into each other's arms. 

Louis looked at them in shock as well as the rest. 

"Wtf just happened? " Zayn said looking very confused.


Hii, i have decided to update bc the other  hoes writing this didn't.

Just to be clear it is year 2012 bc fetus days are missed strongly.

Anywhore bye !


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