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At a time in the world where things were feeling less and less certain, there was one thing you could always count on...The Heroics. Our planet's team of superheroes. And our heroes...never failed.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to put the ISR synthetic aperture together." Tech-No said as he flew towards Miracle Guy,they were about 1,000 feet up in the air maybe higher.

"Let's just hope it's more than just a downed the whole team can spring into action." Miracle Guy said looking around then playfully hitting Tech-No chest as Tech-No looked at him like he was crazy.
"Let's not."Tech-No said and pulled out his inhaler and took a puff.

"Be careful with that thing."Tech-No said look at Miracle Guy.

"When am I not careful?"he said laughing and flying off even higher up in the air.

"All the time."Tech-No said looking up to where Miracle Guy flew toward space.

"Hey, Tech-No"Miracle Guy called as his voice echoed.

"What's up?"Tech-No asked looking up as if he could see Miracle Guy from where he was.

"The Solar array, It's blown into bits."

"Seriously?"Tech-No asked

"There's something coming,a spaceship of some kind. It just blasted some kind of energy ray at me. Do these clowns not know know who I am?"Miracle Guys said looking right at the odd looking thing.

"I don't mean to be a nudge,but any idea how long this'll take? I'm running on fumes."Tech-No said pointing at his jet pack on his back.

Miracle Guy pulls out his selfie-stick to take a picture with the weird looking thing.
"Just a quick selfie for my socials while I stop this thing-"he was about to take a selfie when something flew right past him,he turned around and looked a little worried.

"Wait a minute. There's not one ship...There's a whole armada out there." Miracle Guy said looking around to just see more kept popping out of nowhere.

"Funny, if I didn't know better I'd say you sound a little worried."Tech-No got no response and also his jet pack started to beep.

"Miracle Guy?"after he called for Miracle Guy there was a big BOOM from the upper atmosphere.

"H-Base! Come in, this is Tech-No!-Miracle Guys has been hit!"Tech-No yelled into his ear-piece while things were falling from the sky.

"Hit with what?"H-Base replied back. Tech-No ignored the base and flew up to catch Miracle Guy even though he only had a little bit of fuel left, he grunts as he catches the strong limp man. Then replied back to H-Base

"He's barely conscious"Tech-No said into the ear-piece as they were going down.

"Miracle Guy is barley conscious?"H-Base said not getting the fact that both Tech-No and Miracle Guy were about to have a bad landing.

"Have a catcher ready! I'm out"Tech-No says to them,he ran out of fuel and holds onto Miracle Guy making sure he doesn't fall out of his grip.

This was the day our hero's fell. All of them. But from that...others would rise.
Missy p.o.v
I was woken up by my alarm clock singing to me "wake up, sleepyhead wake up,sleepyhead"I turned it off and sat on the edge of my bed sighing and looking at the ground.

It's funny when you look back on a day like this, it always begins so normal. I mean look at me. I'm actually putting real thought into what I'm gonna wear. Like any of this was gonna matter in an hour.

"This one says "talk to me", and this one says, "leave me alone"perfect" I said looking the mirror trying to figure out what to wear. Then my bracelet beeps

"Time for breakfast,Missy."my dad said through my watch on my wrist

"Good morning, Dad. Be right there." I said and went to get ready for school well that's wher I thought I would be all day.

"In rather bizarre news, both Miracle Guy and Tech-No were spotted plummeting from the sky this morning. Must have been some kind of test drill for the Heroics defenses, for they deployed a giant safety net and caught the celebrated-" My dad turned it off before I could hear the rest of the news.

"Morning, kiddo. You sleep okay?" Dad asked me and he was the one cracking eggs and putting them into the sink instead of the bowl that was right next to him and the shells in the bowl. I picked up the shells in the bowl and looked up at him.

"Did you?"I asked in a concerned voice and dropped the shells back into the bowl.

We walked to the table I guess cereal is for breakfast instead of eggs. Dad had both the milk and the cereal in his hands.

"I see you're wearing "leave me alone". You know,I want you to try to make some friends."he said grabbing his mug of coffee

"Yeah, not today"I said and looked at the tv to see the news showing Miracle Guy being put in the back of an ambulance.

"Whoa. Is that Miracle Guy?" I asked my dad as I was about to eat my breakfast.

"That is just a training exercise, probably. A...a "what if"." He said as he turned the tv off and looked at me.

"As long as there's no "what if" that involves you rejoining the team."I said pointing at him

"Relax. Even though I'm still the leader of the Heroics, I'm doing from the safety of my own office."he said proving a point

"Good. Because a deal is a deal."I said smiling at him making him chuckle lightly.
Missy pov still
My dad was dropping me off at school where I had no friends or anyone to talk to.

"See you later, Dad."I said opening the door ready to leave.

"Mm-hmm. Be good."he said like I was ever bad but something seemed off about him and I could tell.

"Hey... what's wrong?"I asked him putting my backpack on my back

"Nothing. I'm just,uh... I love you."he said not wanting to tell me what's wrong

"An "I love you" at 8:00 a.m. on a random Tuesday? Are you sure you're okay?"I said tilting my head to the left. He just shook his head yes and smiled a little.

"I love you too." I said and blew him a kiss before walking off to the entrance.
Nova's pov
I was in the bathroom brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door

"Nova hurry up before you late for school and I'm late for work"my dad said yelling, he thinks doing my hair takes 3 minutes

"Dad it takes time to look this good and by the way your "job" isn't even a job"i pecked out the door laughing

"Girl my job is a real job and it keeps you feed, so beat that fuzz ball"he said walking away laughing. He calls me fuzz ball because of all the hair I have, every since I was little I had a lot of hair and it just keeps growing. I walked out of the bathroom and put my hoodie and leggings on with my black converses and walked out to the kitchen.

"Hey dad what's for breakfast"I asked him and sat at the table with my backpack on the floor

"Whatever you can find edible"I walked to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt and a juice box, me and my dad always eat anything for breakfast, this one time I ate half of a cake which made me sick so I got picked up from school and went home early

After I was done eating and doing my homework that I was supposed to do last night dad dropped me off at school and went to "work". I walked into my first class and sat down as the teacher started talking her face off.
This was the first part if you see any mistakes put them in the comments and also PLEASE🥺 like it⬇️ right there

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