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Nova pov
"Uh-oh" Guppy said. And both her and the president had tentacles coming out of their backs.

"We'll then... round them up!" Mrs. Granada said and they all grabbed each of us with there nasty tentacles. We got put into this purple room it was literally purple all over it, and some chairs around it.

"Watch it!" Facemaker said to the aliens.

"Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo. You didn't even scrape a knee." Wild Card said to him.

"Oh, good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents. The same in- fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team. Take away her water." She said pointing at Guppy one of the guards took it from her and she gasped.

"They're too powerful together." Mrs. Granada said pointing at the twins. They were also separated.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is. Imprisonment." Mrs. Granada said to Ojo and pulled out what looked like a key.

They left and locked the door and we stood there for a while then I said something.

"Well she's mean."

"How are we getting out of here?"Guppy asked looking at Missy.

"I...don't know." Missy said sitting down.
The parents pov
"What do you mean you don't know?"Miracle Guy asked Marcus.

"I mean I don't know. I'm thinking. I'm thinking." Marcus said.

"Enough thinking. I'm gonna punch my way out of here."Miracle Guy said walking to the door.

"I don't think that's a good idea, but you do you."Falcon said to him.

"I have to save my son." Miracle Guy said and started punching the door but nothing was happening but he was making himself tired.

"That's not gonna work." Blinding Fast said to him.

"How do you know?"

"Because while you were blinking your eyes, I went around and tried everything." Blinding Fast said. But he just kept on punching the door. And it opened but not because of him, the aliens opened it. They brought something weird inside the door and closed the door again.

"What are you? An alien spy?" Miracle asked the weird thing. And Blinding fast went next to it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Falcon said to him.

"I just wanna see what it is. Don't worry. It won't even know I touched it." Blinding Fast said ready to grab the blanket off the weird looking thing. He touched it and didn't even get the chance to take the blanket off before the thing attacked. Miracle Guy tried to fight it but he failed too, Sharkboy also tried and everyone else except for Falcon and Marcus. The thing took the blanket off and it was Anita Moreno.

"Anita Moreno?" Tech-No said looking at her.

"Hi, Mom." Marcus said to Anita.

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