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At headquarters
"Where tracking over 100 alien vessels. Who do you wanna send?" A worker asked looking at Mrs.Granada as she walked into the room full of computers.

"How about...Blinding Fast and Crushing Low?" Mrs.Granada asked the workers.

"They haven't gotten along since the Crisis of Edinburg." A Guy said to her she rolled her eyes and looked at the big screen again.

"Okay,How about...Sharkboy and Lavagirl? They still married?" Mrs.Granada asked

"This isn't a two-hero job. Look"Marcus said showing her what they were actually having to deal with.

"Ok, so we'll send three. Happy?"she said sarcastically and turned back around

"I'm afraid those are just the scouts, the tip of the spear. This is what we're really up against." Marcus said showing her making it zoom out to see more alien ships. Mrs.Granada turned around shocked at what she was looking at.

"We've never dealt with anything like this before."Marcus said from behind her

"That's impossible." Mrs. Granada stood there shocked with her eye's wide open.

"Which hero should we send,ma'am?" One of the workers asked

"All of them." Mrs.Granada demanded still staring at the big screen. They all looked at her

"Call the president. He's the only one that can authorize a full Heroic attack." She said

"It's before noon. He'll still asleep." A Guy said

"Wake him up!"Mrs.Granada said sternly. Then she turned around and looked at Marcus.

"Excuse me, Marcus. What are you still doing here? When I said everyone, I meant everyone" She asked him as he looked at her.

"I can't suit. I promised my daughter." He said standing up. Mrs. Granada walked over to him.

"Ok, well, I'm sorry. They'll need all the help they can get, and you know it. It's time for you to rejoin the team. Time to be a Heroic again." She told him and just stared at him while he sighed and thought about if he should do it or not.

"That is an order."she said crossing her arms.

"Yes ma'am" he said and put his hand out and waited for his swords to magnet to his hands.

"Good"was all Mrs.Granada said and he walked out the doors.
Missy pov
"Just grab it!" A girl said to Me as I was trying to get the ball out of the tree.

"I'm trying!"I said trying my best to grab it as I was on someone's shoulder's.

"Can't you just fly up there or something?" Another girl asked me kinda annoying me

"I can't fly."I told her still reaching out at the ball.

"Us your magnet hands"someone else said as they all just stood there and watched me struggle.

"I don't have magnet hands"I said and I tried one more time before the girl holding me said something.

"Hurry! I'm getting tired!" She said and made a weird face.

"How about hurricane breath?"omg are these kids ok.

"Hurricane breath? That's not even a thing."I said looking at the girl who said it.

"Wait"the girl holding me said and put me down almost making me fall.

"Whoa!"I said getting off of her shoulders.

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