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Nova pov
"Leave Missy alone or I'll break your face Joker"I said and walked back and sat next to Missy I turned around and Wild Card was about to sit down but I moved his chair with my mind and laughed when he fell and he just glared at me and I smiled at him.

"I wanna see if there news about our parents."Missy said after sitting down in her spot.

Wheels turned the tv on and right away the news came on.

"You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown event when they've called in Sharkboy!"the news reporter said and all of us cheered for him.

" Earlier today, Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island." The reporter said

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano."

"Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!"Guppy said smiling.

"She from the earths core you know. And hers Mayor Doolittle at todays ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action." The reporter said.

"That building is not gonna last"I said looking at the tv.

"Did you see that? Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than Blinding Fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet."the lady said

"Go,Dad!" Slow-Mo said slowly like he always does.

"And here comes Crushing Low!" The lady says as Crushing Low runs into the building breaking the whole top part.

"And there goes the mayor's new building in record time."Another reporter said I just laughed because I was right. Everyone was clapping their hands.

"These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining."The lady said smiling.

"Pass the popcorn. This battles gonna be epic!"Wild Card said to Slow-Mo. Slow-Mo slowly grabbed the popcorn and turned around slowly pushing his hand out as Wild Card grabbed it and spilled so it was all over the table.

"Where getting some live footage now." Said a guy

"And look who's back in actin. It's Miracle Guy. You didn't expect him to actually lose, did you?" The news reporter said.
All the Heroics where flying ready to fight.

"He's not supposed to be there." Missy said after seeing her dad on the screen. The alien open whatever they where in and they all just came pouring out. One of the alien went right for Miracle Guy knocking him into a building which made it lopsided. We all were shocked

"Oh my God!"the news reporter said

"No way! No one has ever taken down Miracle Guy!"Noodles said

"Evasive maneuvers!" Lava girl said

A lot of stuff happened like Sharkboy got thrown onto a helicopter and one of my dads wings broke off causing him to have a hard fall he couldn't get up so the alien took him.

"Omg"I said covering my eyes then I hear Guppy gasp I guess they got Sharkboy too. A bunch of them were ganging up on Miracle Guy grabbing both of his arms, he jumped up really high but came back down right into the cement ouch.

"Oh no. I'm just getting some terrible news. It's unimaginable, but three of our heroes have been captured by the intruders."the news lady said looking at a paper

"I thought the Heroics were unbeatable."Guppy said disappointed.

"They are unbeatable. It's not over yet"Wheels said to Guppy.

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