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Nova pov
"Well I figured this is kind of like making an omelet. You always start by..."Missy said walking to the door.

"Breaking some eggs." I said standing next to her.

Facemaker opened the door and stuck his head out. There where three guards talking and one of them saw Facemaker. Then all three of them turned around.

"Hey, is that updog?"Facemaker asked them making sure they fall for the trick.

"What's updog" one of the guards asked him.

"Not much. Just living my best life over here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything." Facemaker said making a weird face and coming back in the room.

The three guards walk towards the door and open it wider coming inside and closing it behind them. We were all standing in front of them ready to break out of this place.

"So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, and we're no longer safe here." I said looking at the guards.

"This place is a fortress. Nothing's s getting in. And I'm afraid no one's getting out, either. Those are the rules." The guard said.

"Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards."Missy said nicely.

"Like, now" I said to them. They laughed at us.

"And you think we'll just hand these to you?" One of the guards said laughing at us.

"No, but it would have made this a whole lot easier. Cushions." I said to the boys. Wild Card, Noodles. and Facemaker put the cushions in front of the guards.

"What are these for"The guard asked.

"Tell him,Guppy." Missy said smiling.

"To protect you butts when you hit the ground." Guppy said walking up to them.

"Why don't you get back in line?"the guard said.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."I said to him but it was to late Guppy grabbed his hand and flipped him over making his butt hit the cushion in the middle. I'm sorry but I had to laugh.

"Oh,no!"the guard she flipped said. Another guard tried to grab her but she flipped him over too. I tried to warn them this is why people should listen to me.

"She's got shark strength!"one of the guards on the ground said. Guppy kicked a guard so hard he flew into a swing chair with a pillow in it.

"Have a nice nap."Guppy said and waved at him. I laughed.

Guppy was about to be attacked from behind but Noodles wrapped his arm around him and flipped him making him fall onto the floor. Noodles grabbed all three access cards and gave them to me and Missy.

"Aliens really are about to attack, so we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Mrs.Granada know what we know." Missy said smirking at the guard, but what we didn't know was another guard was slowly going to press the emergency button. The whole room turned red and the alarms were loud giant bars were blocking the door.

"This was a bad idea."Fast Forward said to us.

"Wheels, next time this happens, don't let the guard reach the alarm."I said to him and he nodded his head

"Noodles you'll take his jacket and cuff them."Missy said.

"What next time? You kids aren't-"the guard said before he could finish there was a noise coming from the vent. Everyone gasped. The aliens tentacles burst through the vent and the guard screamed like a little girl.

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