Chapter One

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Annoyed (adjective): slightly angry; irritated

Nova's POV

"Nova, please just come for tonight-" Cheyenne, my best friend begged me as my eyes were attached to my laptop, writing away reviews on a story I had just finished reading. "You need to get out of the apartment more often! You are always glued to that stupid laptop of yours." She said with a desperate huff and I smirked, finally looking up to find her completely irritated with me.

"Chey, We have been through this so many times," I sighed with a small smile on my lips, trying my best to keep my temper. "I don't like to party, there is no reason for me to be at a bar, I don't even drink!" I stated, my eyes drifting back to the computer screen causing them to burn up.

"Look! Your eyes are even getting all teary from staring at this stupid thing for too long!" Cheyenne retorted before she snatched the laptop out of my grip. I yelped and went to snatch it back but Cheyenne only held it up higher, her height totally catching me by far. I huffed silently and slapped my arms back to my sides, "What the hell do you want me to do then!" I snapped at her, finally losing my cool.

"Live your frickin' life, Nov! You're a goddamn twenty year old, you're suppose to be partying! Not typing away your stupid reviews that nobody even reads!" She threw in my face and I felt my face burn with anger. I looked away from her before I even lashed out on her, knowing that wouldn't be the right thing to do, even if she had just violated my work.

"One night, please, that is all I'm asking from you," She said with a strained voice and I was way too tired to even argue with her anymore. "One night." Was all I had to say before Cheyenne grabbed my forearm and pulled me into the closet room. I knew this was about to be a very, very long night. Every night I spent out with Cheyenne didn't end until midnight, maybe even to two-thirty in the goddamn morning.

Cheyenne was about to force me into some ridiculously tight and short black dress but I refused with every muscle and ounce in my body. I was going to go out but as long as I wasn't dolled up to be some prostitute on the corner. Eventually I ended up wearing some shorts and a compressed t-shirt that had The 1975 logo on it.

I grabbed a black satchel from the closet before I stuffed my wallet and phone into it, in case I wanted to leave early and Cheyenne was shit-faced, I could call us a cab and get the car back in the morning considering she was the only one who drove. Cheyenne came out of the bathroom revealing herself in the dress she had tried shoving me in before and I just smirked and shook my head.

Her eyes shot up to look at the face I was giving her and her face paled, "Do I look fat or something?" She asked me and I only ended up laughing. If anything, she looked absolutely stunning and I was burning a little with jealously. "You look amazing, Chey, I promise. Now let's go, the sooner you're drunk the faster I can get back here to continue my reviews that everyone reads." I said to her with little annoyance in my voice.

Cheyenne only giggled and grabbed my wrist, practically dragging us both out of the apartment and to her car. I was already starting to regret this whole agreement because my stomach had begun to swirl around. It always happened when I had a feeling something was going to go terribly wrong.

Both Cheyenne and I got into the car, her taking the drivers while I took the passenger seat. She started to babble about how she wanted to bring some guy home because she was feeling lonely and needed some kind of affection but I really didn't bother listening to her, I just tuned her out as I listened to a song on the radio.

It was so catchy I found myself searching for the name on the radio head. It read Trey Songz- Already taken and I mentally took note of the name, sending it to the back of my mind. "You know Nova, It's been a while since you had someone." Cheyenne said very cautiously and I felt myself stiffened just when I knew where she was going with this.

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