Chapter Three

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Bewildered (verb): cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.

Nova's POV

Three days.. It's been three day's since I've been ignoring that jackass. I've been taking a different route each day except the route I happened to bump Jersey on. There was no way I'd want to even face that boy after the last encounter we had. My head felt as if it was almost going to explode that day.

It hasn't even been a full week since I first met him, this was utterly ridiculous. I had to be late to my studies because I needed to avoid him. I thought having no social life with him would declare the stress would be over but it just seemed like more added on to it.

As I was rounding up my day, I turned onto the street I had lived on. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going because I ended up bumping into someone and my eyes widened. "Dear god, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and--" "It's quite alright, Dear." The kind man had said to me, quickly shutting me up as I stared up at him.

He seemed as if he reached his mid fifties but I quickly glanced away from him, something foul growing in the pit of my stomach. "Are you Nova---? I've heard about you before.." He mumbled and for a second I could have sworn I caught a smirk roll up onto his lips but I must be delusional.. Right?

My eyes swiftly went back to his and I rose my brows, "You have?.." I questioned lightly, my heart beat beginning to increase. "Oh yes, But I'm not quite sure where I've heard of you before.." He murmured softly in reply, his cellphone beginning to ring in his coat pocket.

"Excuse me for a moment," He said to me before he turned his back to me, picking up his cellphone to answer it. I wasn't sure if I should have walked away right then and there but it was likely he still wanted to talk and I definitely could not be rude to someone I had just met.

Even though I've been rude to someone I had just met. Jersey. I began to fiddle with my fingers, biting my bottom lip as well. I began to wonder how Jersey has been doing for the past few days.. Wait, I shouldn't worry about him. He's a no-for-good scum, he lies and he's absolutely disgusting and-

"I'm sorry Nova, I had to take it. But if it makes you feel any better, I've read a few of your reviews." The man hummed to me and my eyes lit up. "You have? Well, what do you think of them!". My mood had suddenly increased but the pit of my stomach still told me to be very careful.

"I absolutely loved your reviews on marine biology, they were a one of a kind perspective that was put into words absolutely beautifully." He complimented me with a little smile and I couldn't help but smile back. I felt my phone begin to ring and I figured that was my escape from this weird meeting.

"I'm sorry sir, I have to go.." I mumbled softly to him, grabbing my phone out of my back pocket. "Oh it's completely fine. By the way call me Aidan Murphy." He prompted before we gave each other a polite nod. I watched Mr.Murphy turn his back to me and walk away. That is when that foul feeling fled away and a sigh left my lips.

My phone ended up ringing again and I looked down at the caller I.D. but there was no name, just a number. I picked it up and held it up to my ear, "Hello?" I breathed through, looking for my keys in my bag. "Nov?.." The heavy voice called through the phone and I almost dropped the phone at the second.

"Jersey, what are you doing? How did you even get my number? What is wrong with you-"

"Nov where are you.. God Nov, I..I-I need someone to get me from the pub..I can't walk-"

"You think that's my problem Jersey? I'm not going to get you just to get pissed off and end up smacking you again." It was silent for a bit and thats when I heard a sob from the other line. "Nov.. please..." His voice cracked as he practically begged for me to get him.

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