Chapter Four

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Thanatophobia (noun): fear of losing someone

Jersey's POV

"Jersey, this is a serious matter. You're taking it too lightly, you should be a lot more worried." Charles spoke to me, stress clearly visible in his tone. Charles was basically my advisor and has been ever since I came here.

"Look, it's nothing to worry so much about. In the end it'll only add stress and I don't need that right now." I sighed, wondering how much longer Charles wanted to speak to me because I had somewhere to be.

"Jersey, I'm serious-" "Charles, I get you're trying to be a good mate and all but I seriously can't talk about this shit right now, she's waiting for me." I snapped into the phone, glancing back at the clock on the wall. Fuck, we're going to be late.

"Nova, let's go!" I yelled towards her as I held the phone away from my mouth. A muffled voice came through the cellphone and I groaned, pressing it back to my ear. "I've got to go, call me later or something." I murmured carelessly to him before I hung up, stuffing the phone into my pocket.

"Alright alright, I'm coming Jersey." She snapped back at me as she was walking out of her room and clipping an earring in. She looked absolutely gorgeous. But when doesn't she? Her eyes caught mine and a smile eased its way onto her lips.

"Staring is not very polite, it's quite rude actually." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. I snorted and shook my head lightly before nodding my head over to the door. Nova walked in front of me now, grabbing her purse.

My eyes ran over her precious body and I felt my heart begin to pick up its pace. Fuck. I remember this morning so clearly as well and I'm glad it happened the way it did or I wouldn't be here right now, getting ready to walk out the door with Nova to arrive at a restaurant.

I awoke to Nova's soft humming and I felt my heart quake a bit. I hardly remember last night and I woke up with a killer headache. I opened my eyes slowly, letting the sun rays hit them before my vision cleared and I spotted Nova right next to me, fiddling with pieces of her hair.

Her body was flush against mine and I smiled softly to myself. "Mornin'," I called to her and her head turn so her eyes could meet mine and she smiled right back at me. "Morning sleeping beauty." She chimed in with a giggle to follow afterwards.

I nudged myself against her, my arms wrapping tighter around her waist. "I don't want to get up," I groaned into her, having her laugh again. Fuck, each time she did a sharp knife dug into my heart.

She was so perfect, I wanted her but I knew I couldn't have her. I sighed into her soft skin, my eyes closing once again before I felt her hand make its way into my hair. She started to hum a soft lullaby again and I felt extremely sleepy.

"We can stay like this all day.. I don't have that much work to do so if anything I'll do it later tonight." She cut the silence after a while, causing me to perk up at her. Why let a free day together go to waste?

"Want to go to dinner?" I blurted out and I suddenly felt my cheeks grow hot. I wasn't the one to ever initiate a date but I guess today that changed. She was changing me and I wasn't sure whether I loved it or hated it.

Her eyes met mine in almost an instant and at that very moment I swore I could have melted right then and there. She started to laugh to the point her eyes crinkled and her dimples showed. "Jersey? Asking me out on a date? Do you have a fever?" She asked playfully as she put a hand to my forehead.

In response to her actions, I frowned and began to pout, causing her to laugh once again. "I'll have to say yes to that date, I wouldn't want you pouting all day." She retorted, giving me one last grin before she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

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