How you meet :)

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Osoro Shidesu:

I was simply trying to get outside. I wanted to avoid the damn club leaders trying to get me to join their various clubs. Only a few had peeked my interest but I'm not sure if I want to commit to a club just yet. It was class time so I had to be stealthy to avoid teachers and the student council. I don't typically skip class but today was an exception, seeing as my anxiety was higher than normal.
Where should I go? Maybe I can go to the Sakura tree, it's only Tuesday so the likely hood of there being any confessions is low, even then it's only 10:30 and lunch is at 1:00. What about the delinquents though? I really don't have the energy today... I just want to relax for a bit and let the panic pass.  I thought as I made my way out one of the back doors. While I was walking down to the tree I noticed a girl with blonde hair leaning against the wall by the incinerator with five other guys. Just as luck would have it, she looked up at me and we made eye contact. Oh my god... she is gorgeous. I smiled a little bit and waved to show I meant no harm and continued walking.

I sat down at the base of the tree and closed my eyes but noticed footsteps drawing near. I kept my eyes closed however, that was until I heard a voice speak up. "Why aren't you in class?" I saw it was the blonde girl I was looking at earlier. "I could really ask you the same thing." I responded, a small smirk overtaking my face. My eyes held a playful glint as I stared at the gorgeous woman in front of me. "I asked you first so spill." She said positioning herself next to me comfortably.

After explaining I merely had a period of (subject), she then explained about how she just got back from a 3 week suspension. We talked for a little bit until the bell rang. The sudden noise made me flinch a bit. I suppose I could still sit here and talk to... I don't even know her name yet. "So, what's your name?" I asked scratching the side of my neck. "Osoro. Osoro Shidesu." I smile and held out my hand. "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure to meet you Shidesu." She carefully took my hand, almost hesitant to be touched.

Umeji Kizuguchi:

I sat in class trying to focus on the subject material but to no avail. I had a migraine so that wasn't helping either. I'll have to talk to the teacher after class, maybe I can get a tutor or something, might just use google.(not sponsored.) I rested my head on the desk and sighed, catching the teacher's attention. "Please try to focus (L/N)." She called me out but it seemed to be more out of concern than anything. "I'm sorry ma'am. I have a migraine." I replied, cupping my mouth trying not to throw up, a wave of nausea hitting me. I heard a small grunt but paid it no mind. "Would you like to go to the infirmary?" She offered, I had nodded. "Kizuguchi, please escort (L/N) to the nurse. They seem light headed and I would like to make sure they get there safely." He only grunted and rolled his eyes in response as he got out of his seat.

As we were walking through the hallway, I decided to make the silence less awkward. "Thank you..." I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. This seemed to peek his interest, causing hime to raise his eyebrow. "What?" He said stopping, I came to a halt as well. "Thank you. For bringing me to the infirmary." I said shortly then we continued walking. It was hard to keep focus on where I was going, seeing as I had a migraine AND one of the cutest guys in school is walking ME to the nurse. He must have noticed this, he grabbed my forearm gently and guided me. I couldn't get him off my mind the rest of the day, especially the way his golden eyes held slight concern anytime I stumbled. Though he tried to hide it, it was clear as day to me.

Hayanari Tsumeato:

I was running down the path to the park; I was meeting up with my best friend to hang out. I suddenly collided with another person and we got knocked to the floor. My face was planted in a firm chest that smelled of faint cologne. "Oi! What the hell?!?!" The person underneath me exclaimed. "Shit! I'm so sorry!" I shouted as I got up. I offered my hand to the person to help them up. They didn't take it. Delicate pride huh? "Tch. Just watch where you're going." He said with a glare. I sighed and looked up. Shiii- he's hot. Wait he look familiar, do we go to the same school? I thought with a tiny of blush. "Yeah, sorry. I was kind of excited. Hey, don't you go to Akedemi?" I asked. He still held the glare. "What's it to ya?" He stated rudely, not that I wasn't expecting it. "You look familiar, I think I've seen you by the incinerator.... And in a class. You a second year?" He grunted and looked away. "(Y/N), I believe we share history." I stated readjusting my haori*. "Tch, Hayanari." He said, then walked off. Obviously the conversation was over, I just rolled my eyes and continued to where my best friend is.

Hokuto Furukizu

I was walking down by the incinerator when I was suddenly stopped. "Hey! What the hell are you doing in our territory?!" A boy with purple eyes shouted. Territory? What are you a fuckin dog? I thought, not realizing I was still standing and staring. "What? Why are you just standing there, Answer me!" He shouted once more. "Ok well first of all I was just walking around, second stop yelling." I said trying to walk off. That clearly pissed him off more.

Huh, let's see where this is going... what do plan to do man? He was going to say something but I cut him off before he got the chance. "Dude, calm down. I don't know why you're getting so riled up but you need to take a step back and breath. I don't mean harm. I'm just trying to get to the shower rooms and this was the shorter way around." He raised an eyebrow and another boy spoke up. "Are you not scared or something?" "Nah." And with that I walked off leaving the boys confused.

Dairoku Surikizu

I was changing my shoes when I noticed a group of boys just now walking through the gates. My (e/c) eyes made contact with some deep blue ones. Ones that held irritation and resentment. I tried to subtly observe him, key word: tried. His body language and aura gave me a weird buzzing feeling in my stomach. I felt I had to do something to ease the tension around him... interesting... why do HE specifically give me this feeling? (Hint: plot convenience) as I was lost in thought I failed to notice the boy walk up to me.

Suddenly, I was pinned between the locker and the boy. "What? Do you have a problem with my face? Why were you staring?" He asked harshly, "Huh?" At this point I could practically feel his irritation rising. "Well, spit it! Why were you staring at me?!" He asked getting louder.  Might as well tell the truth, and hey it might catch him off guard "Cause I like your eyes." I deadpanned. His face turned to that of confusion and shock. He was at loss for words so he simply walked away leaving me wondering what the hell just happened...

Gaku Hikitsuri

I had FINALLY got my test back, after weeks of waiting I finally got to see how I did. (Subject) had always proved to be difficult for me so wondering was eating me up inside. 98?! Damn I wasn't actually expecting that... I was pulled from my thoughts as the teacher held me and one other back after the bell rang. "Ma'am, did you need something?" I asked remaining respectful. Each of my different teachers quite like me as a student and have never wronged me so in turn I show them equal kindness. "Yes, was hoping you could tutor Hikitsuri." She asked me in a hush voice. "His grades are slipping and I have talked to him already. He actually chose you to tutor him." This shocked me, I didn't think he would even really acknowledge my existence, let alone choose ME to tutor him. I nodded with a smile. She thanked me and excused us.

"When do you want to start?" I asked the male walking next to me. He shrugged his shoulders. He seemed hesitant, probably not used to being treated like a person. That thought made me a bit sad but I hid it. "Well, how does tomorrow afternoon sound? We can work at my place since my (older sibling) works until 6 so there won't be any distractions, and we can eat snacks and just hang out. Doesn't need to be stressful." I suggested. He seemed surprised by my proposition and agreed with a small smile. We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

*hoari; a cover for a kimono/yukata
They typically look like this but you decide what pattern the fabric is

*hoari; a cover for a kimono/yukata They typically look like this but you decide what pattern the fabric is

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