Second Encounter and blooming feelings :)

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Osoro Shidesu:
I was exhausted. (Sibling) had me up later than usual to train. They wanted me to be able to protect myself in any situation. Teaching me how to use the things around me to defend myself and/or get away. I don't even have the energy to go get food. I was so lost I thought I didn't realize I had bumped into someone until they shook me out of my thoughts. "Hey, umm are you ok? You look really out of it." I saw Osoro and smiled slightly. We have been hanging out lately, people assume because she's a delinquent that she is rude and cold but she's proved to be anything but that. "Im really fuckin tired." I replied in defeat. She nodded and lifted me on her back, much to my surprise. "Um Osoro, why are you carrying me? Not that I mind it..." I asked with a small blush on my face, mumbling the last part slightly. "You could get hurt walking around so tired, this way you can rest and I can make sure you stay safe." She reasoned. I simply nodded and relaxed in her hold. Something about her made me feel calm, protected.

Umeji Kizuguchi
We stood there, making eye contact awkwardly. Let me restart... I was simply walking out of my front door, popsicle in hand, and saw Umeji and 4 others sauntering down the sidewalk. His face was red but I was unable to tell if it was due to seeing me in shorts and a T-shirt or because of how hot it was... and he was wearing a jacket. I went outside because the AC broke inside and it was 93° F (33°C) so to say I was roasting would be accurate. "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT DYING? ITS 90/30 DEGREES OUT-" obviously that caught them off guard and the one with purple eyes (Hokuto) started bursting out laughing.
"I've been in worse?" He tried to reason. "How the hell is that any better?!?" Suddenly the dude with blue eyes (Dairoku) spoke "Umeji, do you know each other?" "We share we share Home Economics." I stated quickly. "Stay here." I ran inside to grab water bottles and some more popsicles. I went back out, surprised to see them actually still there, and practically threw the stuff at them and left but not without shouting "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES DAMNIT!"

~3rd person pov~

"Did she just... actually give a shit about us?" Dairoku asked. Gaku replied "I think so..." They stood there shocked but shrugged it off and took the gifts, while Umeji was wondering why the hell (y/n) made his heart beat rapidly.

Hayanari Tsumeato
I sat on the bench eating my precious lunch when I felt a smack on the back of my head. I whipped my head around ready to smite the person responsible and glared at Hayanari, the boy I bumped into the other night, and have hung out with since. "Yo the fuck? What the hell man!" I practically yelled then returned the favor. "Ah! what the hell!" "What were you expecting? YOU smacked ME upside the head first dipshit." I spat back. "I was trying to get your attention and it worked, since calling out to you wasn't. Anyway I decided I'm gonna eat up here and I saw you so I came over." I deadpanned "Wait, wait, wait so you saw me and decided 'hmm I'll hang out with her' and then decided the next best solution when I didn't hear you call my name was to smack me?" "Basically" ...ok that's kinda cute, infuriating, but cute. "Fine..." I sighed. We ate and conversed here and there, and it just became another regular occurrence that we both enjoyed.

Hokuto Furukizu
So I was currently trying to find this one shop for my sibling. They asked me to get them a game and said in turn I could get one for running the errand. I checked the texts between us to see what game it was again.

Hey n/n, could you do me a favor?

Uh it really depends but what's up?

Would you be able to head to (shop name) and pick up Resident Evil Village? You can get yourself a game too, I'll send the money.

Ok sure, anything else? I was going to stop by the convenient store, need anything?

Oooo, can you get me (snack)?

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