Admitting to himself/herself (their pov)

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(FYI these are going to be shorter probably for different scenarios. It gets tiring writing 7 different things in detail for 7 people. One of witch is just basically a gender bent version of the original character)

Osoro Shidesu (bitches get stitches)

I was sitting thinking about how my heart beats out of my chest whenever I'm close to (Y/N). We have gotten pretty close but something inside me wants to be closer. I don't even know why my first thought was to carry them home when they were tired. But I didn't really want to put them down...  do I love them? It would make sense but I've never felt this before. Well not this intense... I guess I should figure out out to tell them.

Umeji Kizuguchi (Golden McNugget boi)

My heart was beating rapidly at the thought of being around (Y/N). I'm not stupid, I know why, but I'm not sure how. How did I manage to catch feelings. It could be teenage hormones, sure, but something tells me otherwise. It's probably because they are the first person since the bullies to actually give a shit about us... would they even like me like that though? It wouldn't hurt to try...

Hayanari Tsumeato (major Levi vibes lol)

Damnit, ever since I bumped into that damn brat, they have been the only thing on my mind. Hokuto and Dairoku won't shut up about it either. I'm gonna have to poke at them for their crushes just to get them to leave me alone. Damnit... I really do like this brat... fuck!

Hokuto Furukizu (bang bang... into the room~)

"Dude, it obvious you like them." Those words played in my head. I looked at my phone as it was on their contact and started to type. While waiting for their response I felt excited. Not in the dirty way, just, happy to have another friend. Why did I want to be more though? As they responded my heart jumped and it hit me. Holy shit... I'm in love with them.

Dairoku Surikizu (blueberry manz)

The way they hugged me felt like heaven. I haven't felt that loved in a long time, but why do they care? I'm not complaining... I'm just confused. Why do I still crave their touch, it's been 2 days. That moment just plays in my head on loop. He way their skin brushed against mine had me weak in the knees... I think I'm in love.

Gaku Hikitsuri (red robinsss yumm)

They have really helped me with (subject). Now we just hang out and have a blast. Watching movies and playing games and eating snacks until we just pass out, I've woken up to them huddled against me. Maybe looking for warmth? Either way it's really attractive and cute. (Sibling) doesn't seem to mind how close we are either and actually cracks jokes about us. Those get me flustered. I don't really want them to be jokes anymore, I want to actually be theirs and for them to be mine.

Osorō Shidesu (cigarettes and tiny liquor bottles-)

How did this happen? Was all that raced through my head as I carried them inside. They were telling me how they got hurt as I somewhat frantically tended to their wounds. After I was finished they hugged me. Soon they started humming to calm me down and stared into my eyes with a soft smile. I looked briefly at their lips and looked back up and then I realized I would do anything for your smile.

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