Kisses and confessions <3

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Osoro Shidesu 🧡

It was the end of Friday and Osoro had asked to meet me, saying she needed to talk in private. She seemed down so I agreed immediately, well I would have anyway but that's beside the point. I was walking into the park and saw her sitting on a bench, she seemed to be lost in though.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" I asked lowly as not to startle her. She looked up at me and smiled causing me to smile too, but hers was a sad smile. As if she were doubting herself, and it broke my heart. "I wanted to ask you something." "Go on." "What do you think of me?" I paused, my heart beat slowly hearing the insecurity in her voice. What could have brought this on? "Osoro, I have a whole list so get comfy. I love how you protect the people you care about and how you would do anything for your family. I feel butterflies anytime we lock eyes, touch, and hang out. Your smile makes me smile instantly and turns my day around from being bad. I get super excited whenever I see you blush 'cuz it raises my hopes of you actually liking me back. When your down I want to lift you up. I want to- no- I WILL be here for you no matter the cost. I love you." I stated. I don't know how but it all came out so easily. I saw her eyes light up and her cheeks flush red.

She hugged me close and whispered something I only thought I'd hear in dreams. "I love you." And with that I pulled back from the hug slightly, and with my hands on her cheeks I pulled her into a gentle kiss. As she kissed back and put her hand on my wrists, I sigh contently as the one I love, I now know, loves me as well.

Umeji Kizuguchi 💛

I sat on the bench, with my hands in my lap, as tears ran down my cheeks. Today was hard, I was late to all my classes, (Sibling) hadn't been answering the phone causing me to worry, I hadn't seen Umeji or really any of the delinquents all day, and I overall feel alone. It was currently club time but I just sat on the roof, I saw students walking around with friends and a couple of confessions here and there. Suddenly someone sat next to me. It was Umeji.

"Hey-" He started only to stop himself. He saw the tears I was currently trying to wipe and panicked "Woah what happened, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I looked up at him, smiling softly at his concern "I'm alright now, just had a hard day."I said hugging him. He calmed down a bit but it was still evident he was worried. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. I nodded and started explaining everything and I tear up a little again. "You aren't alone now, I'm here. Sorry I hadn't seen you all day, I was... planning something." He scratched the back of his neck. I cocked my brow in confusion.

His face grew red and he pulled out a small charm bracelet. After further inspection it had charms about our friendship on it. "I was going to give it to you at the fountain, but I found you up here instead." "Doesn't really explain the red face Umeji." He sighed "I'm getting to that. (Y/N), I love you. After all these weeks of hanging out and seeing how much you cared for me and the others, feelings grew. They only got stronger from that point. I was planning to ask you to the fountain where I'd confess and then give you the bracelet, but I couldn't really find you and looked for you." His face was super red now. I smiled and hugged him for a second, I pulled back and kissed him out of excitement. I think he malfunctioned....

Hayanari Tsumeato
It was currently 8:30 pm and I was struggling to figure out why Hayanari had been avoiding me. Maybe he's tired of me... but then why would his face be red a lot? Does he... like me? I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I settled on texting him.

Me: hey where have you been? Feels like you're avoiding me ngl

Him: sorry I've been preoccupied with something

Me: and what would that something be :v

Him: well that would ruin the surprise wouldnt it? Meet me at the park in 10?

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