First blood

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Trent was in his room thinking about what just happened, first he's in a prison complex with 15 other people, now, he's in a killing game with the others. "Damn it. This sucks." Trent says when he gets a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Trent asks as he goes to look at his door, as he opens it, McKenna is standing right there. "Hey McKenna." Trent says. "Yeah, everyone's meeting up at the yard, Monokuma called us there." McKenna says. Trent nods and follows McKenna there.

Once the two are at the yard, Monokuma smiles. "So I assume you are all wondering why I asked you all to come over here?" Monokuma asks. "Oh I bet they are pops." MonoPimp says. "Yeah I bet they're just quaking with excitement!" MonoDread yells. "Oh to hell with all this I'm leaving." Raphael says. "I wouldn't advise it." Charles says. "The hell you know you priest!" Raphael yells at him angrily. He goes to punch Charles but is blocked by Chad. "Nows not the time to start a fight." Chad says to Raphael. "Whatever, the guy you're defending is very stupid." Raphael says. "That I can fucking agree on." Travis says. "Anyway, say the motive, I'm so excited, I'm just trembling with excitement!" MonoDread yells. "Yes, first blood perk, you'll be allowed to leave without a trial this way." Monokuma says.

"How original, convince us to kill each other without a trial." Starr says sarcastically. "Like we'll do it." Victor says. "Oh I'm sure you fuckas will." MonoHawk says. "Yeah, what my furry brother says!" MonoRage yells. Monokuma and the monokubs than leave, and leave everyone in a confused state. "Yeah I don't think there's gonna be death, I just believe it and it won't happen." Chad says. "Your putting your money where your mouth is huh?" McKenna asks.

"Look, let's not do anything we'll regret later." Charles says. "Shut the fuck up old man." Travis says to Charles. Raphael walks away from the group. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Ruby asks her brother. "Away from any potential murderer." Raphael says. Travis sighs. "He's a fucking wimp." Travis says. Ruby backs up as Raphael turns around. "I'm trying to protect you guys, from me." Raphael says. "What the hell do you mean?" Travis asks. Raphael sighs and shoves Travis against the wall and leaves. Trent looks at everyone and sighs. This is going to be rough.

A few days go by, nothing bad happens and than an announcement is made. "Uhh testing, yeah can everyone meet up in the cafeteria." Monokuma says on a speaker. Once everyone makes it to the cafeteria Monokuma sighs. "I'm surprised, thought there would be a dead body after these last few days, but, guess not." The bear sighs. "Oh shut up, like we'd actually kill." Starr says. "What she said." Victor says. Starr slaps Victor across the head. "Well, than, time limit will be implemented, if there isn't a dead body in the next 24 hours, I'm killing all of you!" Monokuma yells before he leaves. Betsy looks around and she leaves only for Christopher to stop her. "No, I don't think it's a good idea to be on your own in this situation." Christopher says to her in a calm voice. Betsy looks and shoves him away. Christopher sighs. "Of course." He says. "No one takes the sensible route." Christopher says. "I mean, it's a life or death situation." Trent says. "True enough." Christopher sighs. Everyone than leaves the room they were all gathered in.

Trent walks over to Starr and Victor. "So you two what's up?" Trent asks. "Trying to survive?" Starr replies sarcastically. "I'm here to protect her from anyone that tries killing her." Victor says. "I'm the ultimate soldier, I think I can handle myself." Starr says. "Whatever you say." Victor says. "I mean, I think Starr can handle herself, if anything, you're his bodyguard Starr." Trent says to Starr and she snickers. "Not funny." Victor says. "Anyway, you guys see an exit anywhere?" Trent asks. "No, unless you're a Genie and have three wishes." Starr responds. "Ok than." Trent says as he walks away.

Trent walks into Christopher, Emma, and McKenna and goes to talk with them. "So you guys? Umm, how do you feel about the time limit?" Trent says. "Oh it's just peachy, makes me feel glad that I'm alive, but also dreading the dead." Christopher says.  "In other words pretty bad." Emma says. "Yeah I kinda figured that." Trent says. McKenna stares into space as Betsy approaches. "Hey there you are." Christopher says as he sees her, but she ignores him. "Don't worry man, you'll get to talk with her." Emma says. "Before you ask, romance isn't why I want to talk with her, it's because, I feel I could help her out with things, I mean it." Christopher says. "Well, luck to you man." McKenna says.

Trent looks around more and sees Ruby, Raphael, and Travis. "Hey you three what's up?" Trent asks. "Travis and my brother are surprisingly getting along and, I'm doing good." Ruby says. "Wait you two, are getting along now?" Trent says. "More or less." Raphael says. "Yeah we, worked out some differences, wasn't fucking easy." Travis says. Trent just nods.

As Trent is walking around, he sees Charles hanging out with Chad and Maxx. "Hey you three." Trent says. "Hello good sir." Charles says. "So, why are you guys exactly here?" Trent asks curious. "Honestly I have no idea why." Maxx says. "I got framed for a murder, but it wasn't me." Charles says. "That's a bummer man." Maxx says. "Yeah it is." Trent says. "I took my friends sentence, system was weird that day." Chad says. "There's a reason your the ultimate chad." Maxx says. Trent and Charles nod in agreement.

Trent goes off to think on his own when he bumps into mikako, And hudsyn. "Oh hey you two what's up?" Trent asks. "Ehh not much, just, trying to stay calm, well I am, mikako is surprisingly calm." Hudsyn says. "Yeah, it's easy to stay calm at times." Mikako says in a monotone voice. Trent scratches his head confused. "I could always show you sometime." Mikako offers. "I'll think about it." Trent responds leaving them.

Trent runs into burn who almost blows his face off. "HOLY CRAP!" Trent yells in surprise.  "Did I get you?" Burn asks. " You almost torched my face off!" Trent yells. "Crap, I almost did." Burn says. Trent leaves before this conversation gets anymore one sided and weird.

As Trent walks around, to 10 minutes before the limit is up, someone bursts into his room. "Hey Trent!" Victor yells panicked. "What is it? Aren't you spending time with Starr?" Trent asks. "We were, until well, just come and see." Victor says grabbing Trent by the arm not letting him look and, there it was, the dead body, of Emma Magorobi, the ultimate actress. Monokuma and the monocubs arrive. "Yes a body has been found." MonoDread yells excitedly. "Yeah, such a tragedy, oh well anyone going to come forward to save themselves!" Monokuma yells. No one goes up. "Huh, a shame, oh well it's investigation time!" Monokuma yells.

During the investigation, the following clues are found, a blood stained rug, a clean weapon of some kind, a weapon that looks just like it is embedded in her throat, and Emma has a broken wrist suggesting some sort of struggle occurred. 'So, it begins with 1 dead, but, did someone really kill another? Guess we'll find out.' Trent thinks

15 prisoners remain

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