Toxic Relations

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As everyone was leaving the trial site, Betsy looked at Christopher. "Look, Christopher, just, leave me alone." Betsy says. Christopher sighs and nods. Soon, everyone heads back to their cells, everyone was tired.

In the morning, Starr, Victor, chad, and Trent all meet up in the cafeteria. "Guys, this is getting, intense, we have to stop the killings." Trent says. "We're not exactly able to you know, we aren't Monokuma." Starr says. "She's got a point." Victor says. "Yeah, ugh how can we put an End to all this." Trent sighs. Chad looks around and thinks, the 4 of them keep thinking as Christopher, Betsy, and Burn enter and sit at different tables. Christopher sighs. "Guys, we need to think together on this." He says. "Nah, I kinda like it." Burn says. Betsy shrugs. "I can't really help you there." She says shrugging. Ruby and Travis enter last.

"This is so dumb." Ruby says. Travis slams the table. "My first friend outside of my fucking gang is dead. I've hid that this entire time, but I can't, I'm getting out of this hell!" Travis yells

He runs for the near by door to get out but MonoDread appears and sends him flying with one punch. "HAHAHA YOI IDIOTS, THERES NO ESCAPING!" She yells. Travis grabs his bat and prepares to hit MonoDread like a baseball. Chad however stops Travis. "If you hit it, you break a rule, and will die, it's best you don't." Chad says. Travis punches chad in the face. "You aren't my fucking boss." Travis says walking away from the group. "Chad, you ok?" Christopher asks running over to check on him. "I'm good, I'll recover." Chad says. 'Man, not again, we're supposed to be United, but this?' Trent thinks to himself.

As Christopher helps chad up, MonoDread returns with an evil grimace on her face, and stabs everyone's legs. "Enjoy!" MonoDread yells as she disappears. "The hell was that?" Victor asks. "No idea." Starr says but than she falls over and Victor catches her. "I gotcha." He says. "Thanks." She replies weakly. Monokuma walks out. "I see dread already gave out the next motive." He says. "What is it?" Betsy asks. "A sort of, chemical weakening substance I've been working with, let's just say, the human body can't handle it, and slowly overtime, your insides will deteriorate, the only way to get a cure, is through murder." Monokuma says. "Puhuhuhu." He laughs as he disappears.

"Well this is just great." Betsy complains. "Now I can't get out." She says. "Not everything is about you Betsy." Christopher says. "Yeah and says who?" Betsy asks. "Me, the ultimate blackmailer, I don't care what you say! We all need to get out, but now, there has to be a death!" Christopher yells. Christopher walks away from the group. Trent and Victor help Starr to the infirmary to keep her stable, even as they are starting to feel the side effects.

Victor looks at Starr and cries. "Everything ok man?" Trent asks Victor. "Just, I haven't cared about someone, this much, in a long time." Victor says. "How long?" Trent asks. "To long, let's just, focus on helping Starr." Victor says. The two of them get to work to help her. Hours go by, Starr is getting weaker, Trent has also gotten weak, Victor keeps pushing to help both of his friends. "Victor..." Starr says. "Yeah?" Victor asks. "Help...Trent....I'm a goner for sure..." Starr says as she starts to close her eyes. Victor starts trying to keep Starr from closing them. "STAY WITH ME STARR, YOU CANT DIE!" Victor yells crying.

Than Monokuma comes in and injects everyone. Trent and Starr both wake up with a gasp. "Woah what!" Starr yells panicked. Victor hugs her tightly, crying, causing Starr to blush and hug him tightly as well. "Congratulations, a dead body has been found meaning you're all spared." Monokuma says. Trent, Victor, and Starr proceed to look for the dead body, and they see Betsy looking horrified, In the pipes she's looking into, is the dead body of Christopher Lopez, the ultimate Blackmailer.

8 prisoners remain

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