Chapter 6:Are you suzaku?

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Lelouch, a youth of Britannia, had been granted special abilities by a mysterious girl.
Geass, the power to command others to do absolutely anything. And Lelouch is determined to use that power to bring the Britannian Empire to ‍its ‍knees. To avenge his mother, and create a world where his younger sister Nunnally can find happiness. All the while knowing at the end of his quest, the Britannian Emperor, his father, awaits. Or at least, that was the hope Lelouch carried in his heart back then...Kamiyama touma a novelist had a unimagine power want to save people with his friend they battle are begining.more challenged will await them include fate.

Saber stand up look falchion,he was curious,and wonder why falchion slash him

Saber: "Why you slash me greed?"he ask falchion.

Falchion:place kyomu on his shoulder "frist Sorry for slash you kid and second i was using you kid"that word hit saber felt,he truth him and now he use him

Saber:clench his fist "Why?why you use me?what do you want"

Falchion: "Hey i said,i sorry kid and my name is greed it is a special sin,you must know i want everything...!"he kneel down take alter ride book "And what i want here is power"he absoring alter ride book.

Saber was shocked and surprise see falchion have the ability absor the alter ride book.Falchion stand up

Falchion: "well my job here is done!"he look saber "Hope we meet again kid,it be fun to know you"he turn raise his armr and wave it "Bye!"

Saber:after him to ask him "wait a second..."he was too late falchion fade aways.

Saber was wonder how did he abosring the power of megiddon.His thought was be intercrupted when he hear the japan man wake up.Saber turn he put that thought aside,he approach to japan man.

Saber: "Hey are you okay?"

Japan man:turn his head look at saber "Y-yeah!but...where i'm?and why i'm in shinjiku?"

Saber: "You doesn't remember!"

Japan man:touch his head "i remember i was in mainson,i be throw out a man come to me said to me,i will grant me a power suddenly all thing black"

Saber:understand he have meet this situtation "I see!"saber was wonder "Hey...sorry to ask this but what did that royalty man done to you?"

Japan man: "I'm his worker,he have abuse me,beat me up,when his company is in criss,he need my help i was foolish,i star a ideas,He betrays me he take my ideas,people see me i'm a lier like all britannian said to japan people"

Saber know this felt cause he have that same felt,he felt affair milly would try to change his story and tell this story it was her ideas but the true is he was the one creat it and people in britannian will see japan are a lier like they said

Saber:look at the man can't him have that felt "Cheer up!"Japan man look at him confuse.Saber stand up "I know your felt,but despite of that you have to keep move forward"

Japan man: "move forward?why?"

Saber: "Cause it is bad to hugg that hatred,you have to let go of it and glads that people like your ideas despite what they said to you,what they said to japan what you do is keep move forward!"

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