Chapter 10:The reveal/Hostaged situtation

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A novelist name kamiyama touma and his friend sword of logo have be arrivel on this world with the mission of them protect.Lelouch the youth britannian have be gain the two power on is geass,one is like touma these two have be meet with each other the ideas be different with each other they works is different.Touma is want use power to protect while lelouch use it the creat a world for nunnally.They price and consequsen of them who will be the go bear it and which one will be jurgde by fate

Cornelia wide eyes when she see the commander she shoot somehow he back again as his head repair every part of his head.The red lighting fade aways.The commander touch his head crack his neck.

Commander:Grin "WOW i definitely need that shot Hahhahahahahaha"he look at her "Thank you for that shot little girl hahahahahah!"

Cornelia:wide eyes she didn't believe in her and what she saw it make her confuse how did he alive "It-it impossible?"

Commander: "Nothing is impossible!Is just you human mind are small like nut can't what is true here"He kick her face make her on the ground.He step on her "You know i would love let this guy...."he point vulture "But since you are big sis of princess i going let you live plus see your stupid face is enought for me now hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhah"

Cornelia:gritted her teeth "You bastard,you won't get aways from this!"

Commander: "Oh-oh i scared ahhahahahahahahahahahah NAH,you can't kill me cornelia,you can't,also let see people thought about you when i get the record between me and you talk about killing those in here also your death SERVANT ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!"he grin at cornelia,cornelia try to get the record but his foot are so powerfull.

Commander: "you know what?i go KILL YOUR ARMY FIRETRUCK RIGHT HERE Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhabwhahahahhaahahahmwhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahah"he kick her face make her unconsinous.Red lighting uncover his disguise back as envy.Envy look the vulture

Envy:smile "You know what do to kill those down there or also include zero too?"

Vulture: "Zero is a hero of japan!"

Envy:grab vulture head slam on the table "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ZERO IS HERO OR NOT,KILL HIM OR I KILL YOU understand?"

Vulture:understand "Yes i understand?"

Envy: "Good now go and kill him"he push vulture out.The vulture fly down release the sonic wave destroy all knightmare pilot only
two knightmare is villetta and jeremiah.

Jeremiah: "This is our time now"

he charges fire at vulture fly down his it sharp wing cut knightmare waist make felt on the ground.Villetta see this make her shake her hand.The vulture fly hit her make her down.Vulture use it wing cut the cockpit.Villetta pull gun point at him.the bullet didn't effect on Vulture.He raise his wing going slash her a bullet hit him it was zero.Zero fire at it but it make vulture fly to him grab his neck.
(Swordman vs the league)
The battle between swordman and the league are now tension.Durendal slash jikouken slash all shimi.Buster slam his dogouken wipe out all shimi.Slash in form berhemen no rockbank he are rapily firing shimi.Espada dodges the slash of lust.Lust swing her nail.Espada jump dodges of it.Espada swing raimiken creat a yellow lighting slice wave.Lust move aways.Espada charges at her so does lust two of them clashing they weapon with each other.Zooous backwalk after he take two slash from blade in his lion fantasie.Blades throa hook to zooous.Zooous block it he pull blades to him.Zooous prepare slash him but blades turn his body side kick zooous.Terza and calibur clashing they seiken each other.Terza swing his seiken name kaisairyuuken youga.Calibur dodges every slash of him.Calibur swing ankouken.Terza dodges he spin side kick calibur make him stumble two dark swordman charges each other collapse they seiken.Saber swing kaeken.Legeiel of it he swing his sword.Saber block it he push side kick him make him.Saber go charges untill he sense a familiar he sense c2 are here but how did he sense her

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