1. Introduction

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This story is about three boys who were in search of family but ended up finding it in each other. According to people, family means to have a loving mother, caring father, and annoying siblings. But for those three fellows, family meant having three of them together.

Let me introduce you to the first boy, Lee Minho, who is also the heir of one of the richest businessmen in Korea. He is a tall, down-to-earth person who looks trustworthy, and he always proves himself as one. His mom died in the hospital due to a lack of money, and his father never loved him. Minho got a trusting personality from his mother and arrogance from his father as a hereditary gift. People easily become friends with him because of his trustworthy personality, but they don't last for more than a month because of his arrogant behavior. His relationship with his father is not good, and they don't talk directly to each other. They have a secretary who conveys their messages.

Minho is 18 years old, and till now, he has no one to call a friend. He recently joined college. Let's see what happens next in college.

Now it's the turn of the second boy. He has nothing much to explain. Normal people have dance, singing, writing as their hobby, but he has a hobby of seeking troubles from nowhere. He is the type of person who can not even walk normally on a road.

He had been brought up in an orphanage, and he has no one to call family. So he kept his name by himself, Han Jisung. He lives his life as if he is riding on a roller coaster, full of enjoyment. He makes a living by working part-time in a coffee shop. He believes in expending rather than saving, and he also has a good sense of humor. He has a friendly nature, and he is not less than a 5-year-old troublesome child. But whatever his behavior is, he also has to go to college.

Now it's the turn of the last person, Bang Chan, 18 years old but unlike both of them. He is the most mature one. He is neither arrogant nor humorous. He has a very boring personality. His good qualities are that he is a kind-hearted person, very focused, and works according to the plans made by him.

He only has his younger sister, Bang , whom he can call family. She is 16 years old and respects her brother a lot. She always tries to lessen the burden on her brother's shoulder. Their parents attempted suicide because they were not able to pay back the loan sharks, which Chan is still paying. Maybe because of this, he is so hardworking. He was still 15 when his parents died, and no one came up to help him, neither relatives nor the friends of his parents. From then, he decided not to trust or depend on anyone.

He lives in a rented apartment with his sister and tries to do all types of part-time jobs he can do to meet the daily expenses. He tries to overcome all the problems and lives as if he is showing to God that he can control every type of situation. He is also good at studies because life left no choice for him. He tries to pave the path for his sister. But he was not always like this. Before his family died, he was full of life, always playful, and loved making new friends. He found it adventurous, meeting new people was his hobby. We can only blame the situation to turn Chan like this, broken, hurt, he began having trust issues and barely talked to his friends. He distanced himself from others, and it turned into worse when he stopped meeting his friends. He isolated himself.

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