5. Answers

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The walk from the police station to their college was of 20 minutes. The walk was quiet as no one initiated any conversation. They soon reached the college gate and saw Chan running towards them, he seemed out of breath. They paused for a few minutes to think in the meantime Chan grabbed their hand and without saying anything started running again. Minho and Jisung didn't oppose.

  They ran for good ten minutes nonstop.
They came near a coffee shop when Chan decided to finally stop running. They panted heavily  after which  Minho  jerked off his hand from Chan's and said in an annoyed tone “Mind explaining." At this point Minho was annoyed for the nth time he could practically slap anyone just for breathing.
Meanwhile, Jisung saw something more captivating, he saw a holder placed outside the coffee shop it was one-fourth of his height and was decorated with ribbons, there was something written on it with colorful chalk which was some discount announcement. He was so invested in it that he squat down to read it he didn't notice that he was being judged by two people near him until he was summoned back by Minho and Chan.

Minho looked at Jisung followed by Chan. They both with the hint of disbelief and annoyance in their voice said in  unison  “what are you doing.” 

Shrugging off their annoyance jisung excitedly showed them the holder saying "25% off on regular meal pack " written in bold by green chalk. Both Chan and Minho shared a look and with a great sigh went inside or was dragged inside the coffee shop.

This coffee shop was comparatively bigger than 'dark blue'. Inside it, the walls were decorated with a theme of the movie Harry Potter. Entering through the gate there was a wall at left whose sole purpose was to spotlight the cafe's name (Always). It was not that packed up as it was far from the college. But it was aesthetic in its way. The waiters  wore cloaks and had pens  covered with feathers on one hand and on another hand had an old-looking book which was pierced in the middle ( just like Tom Riddle's diary)

They were still amazed till a waiter greeted them good evening and showed them a table near the glass wall. It was a four-person table which was covered with a black cloth and the wooden stools were of good heights.

Jisung excitedly took the seat near the glass wall, Minho sat beside him and Chan opposite of them. Jisung as usual ordered his favorite cheesecake and the discount meal. Minho and Chan ordered the same except the cheesecake. The order came after a few minutes and it was no wonder that Jisung was the first one to dig in.

Minho was debating on whether he should ask Chan the reason or let him explain by himself till Jisung  asked with his mouth full "You owe us an explanation."
"Gross.. at least finish what you are eating," said Minho with a disgusted face and shoved the tissue on Jisung's mouth.
Jisung took the tissue and cleaned his face but immediately stood from his seat and went to the counter as he heard there were offers on drinks too not caring that he just asked a question.

Now it was Chan and Minho alone. Chan hesitated a bit but replied “I saw your father with bodyguards at college. He was in search of you. I smelled something fishy so I thought to tell you. I was on my way when I saw you. And the rest you know.”
“well. Probably yes.” Said Minho.

Jisung was busy giving orders for the drinks. He came with a wide smile on his face. Minho asked  "what are you so happy about.  Smiling ear to ear .“ 
“ There is 25% off on blue Hawaii." said Jisung almost yelling "So I got it for three of us. Take it as my pending treat."
Jisung sat down at his seat and offered the drinks. After  taking a sip from his drink Jisung finally got the chance to ask Chan “I  am not a nosy person but I am very curious about what happened earlier that intimidated you to that extent that made you run."

Chan took a deep breath and started explaining everything because someone was not there when he was doing so.
Jisung hummed in between and showed an exaggerated expression at the end of the speech.

They found themselves eating the meal except for Jisung who was shoving down the cheesecake and ultimately got chugged on the drinks.


There will be a tour of Jisung's condo in the next chapter.

It is how the wall looked like

It is how the wall looked like

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  Imagine Always instead

  Imagine Always instead

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