4.Cafe day

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After the college was over Minho went to the coffee shop ' Dark blue '.The shop was packed as usual . There were lines for giving orders . People were coming and going from the cafe. He pushed the door open , the bell jingled and he was greeted with one of the staff ' good morning' . He spotted a table near the glass wall. It was a two person table but he was sitting alone .The cafe was indeed packed up but since it was Monday not many preferred sitting instead they took their orders and proceeds to go back to their work.

A waiter came with a notebook and pen . He asked in a energetic tone " what will you have ,sir ."Minho replied " iced americano " It was clear from his tone he was distributed by something . The waiter wrote the order in the notebook and left.
After few minutes the same waiter came with the order , placed it on the table and said "Have a good day , sir." with same energy in his tone and left .

Minho clearly was distressed by his father and deep down he knew he has to join the business because his father is really stubborn and can do anything to make him join the business. He was in the midst of thinking about these things when he heard noises , noises of someone yelling .

Taking advantage of his long neck , he peeks out through the glass wall.
He found a man of his age . It took 1 minute to him to recognize that it is Jisung. He stood and went outside because of his conscience.

As he left the cafe he was met with crowd of people surrounding three men . Somehow , after nudging few people he was able to see the centre of attraction successfully.

There he was met with two men one tall and other short. The tall one looked harmless contrasting to that of his voice which was deeper than ocean . And the other one was barely speaking but he looked intimidating.
Jisung was standing in the middle of them trying to explain something.
Minho slowly went near Jisung and asked him about the situation.

Jisung looked happy after seeing Minho he started explaining him everything in one breath"I was passing by when my shoulder nudged his shoulder (Jisung is referring to the tall one) but it was an accident I didn't meant doing it. But they started yelling at me that I intentionally made him fall. "explained Jisung.

The tall one with deep voice said "Intentionally or not but you have to pay for the ..."
He was in the midst of completing his sentence when a voice interrupted him . "Hey you three enough of the argument come with me to the police station." Said a police officer in a bold voice .

"Pol...police, Th... there is no need to go this far.. Just give us money we will go."whispered the one who was barely saying to Minho and Jisung.
Minho was not completely having it , first the argument with his father and now this . He was irked at this point and said" let's talk in the police station now"to both of the men and held Jisung's hand and started walking towards the police station.

They two men were also following Minho and Jisung slowly- slowly . The station was not so far away. Minho and Jisung entered the station staight away but the two started whispering something to each other and entered the station .
Minho explained the entire situation to the police officer.
Police officer stood and arrested them.
From Jisung's expression it was clear that he was confused.

The police office called Minho and said " Thank you for calling. They are a pocket-picker. They are really a nuisance."

Minho and Jisung exits the police station .
Jisung asked curiously "what just happened in there ."
"Nothing .. Just what was supposed to happen . They two were pocket picker . 'replied Minho in a normal to ne.
Now Jisung was trying to match the dots " By any chance does it mean that you knew them. And it was you who called the police officer." " Maybe or maybe not."replied Minho with a smirk while heading towards the cafe.


For the next chapter:
It's again Minho and his
stubborn father.

For the next chapter: It's again Minho and his stubborn father

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It is how the cafe looks like.

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