6. Voices in head

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They were still in the coffee shop. The weather outside was pleasant as well. The sky was getting covered with black untitled shapes of clouds some looked like animals and others like enigmas. Soft rain kept falling on the ground creating a hint of earthiness in the surroundings, trees blowing in the direction of melodies wind.

For once creatures on earth and in the sky seemed one as both were scampering in any direction with the hope to find shelter to protect them from soft pouring rain hitting their delicate skins.

People shielded themselves with whatever they had in hand. And made it to the other end. The struggle appears to be real as one lady was busy protecting her I guess new dress with all her life.

This was the scene outside of the cafe.
Inside the cafe, it was warm and cozy.
People were drinking their favorite drinks with a slice of cake.

Jisung was busy admiring the beauty outside he wore an expression of what a five-year-old child has while seeing their favorite cartoon.
On the other hand, Minho was lost in his world.
Chan was just waiting for the bill busy on his phone. For someone like him who is anti-social, it was a big deal to socialize like this.

But this time it felt different he wanted to stay more with them, laugh with them, see more of jisung's weird side.
But he was still being oblivious or insecure to be exact. He was about thinking these things when he heard a sound summoning him back to reality. " We can't go back to college since your father must be still there wanna stay at my home." Asked Jisung with an overly excited tone.
It was ambiguous from his tone, whether he was happy for Minho's father still being there or not.
Chan was the first one to jump in and decline the offer "Thanks for the offer but I can't make it.

"what about you Minho," asked Jisung with a little hope in his eyes.
"I don't know maybe I will follow you cause I know for sure that I can't go back to my condo." Said Minho followed by a big sigh. A lot of things were running through his mind. He wanted a place to relax and also it was not a bad idea.
"that's good we can chat there."

"Then what do you think we are doing here"

"Chan you are just jealous that you can't join us. You know what, we will have a marathon of Harry Potter. Too bad, you will be missing all the fun"

Chan was about to say something in his defense when his phone vibrated
"What" a faint smile appeared on his face.
"Ok bye but don't stay for too long. Make sure to call me I'll pick you up and don't wander around go straight to her house." the tone was more parental than nagging.

"Your prayer has been answered. I think I can join too."
"The more the merrier"
"Jisung you just didn't make that pun" Minho was beyond disgusted.
"Guess what I just did"

Chan interrupted their little quarrel"Can you not behave like a child for once and lead us to your condo."


No visiting of Jisung's condo in this chapter.

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