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As the clock ticked, the sun rose, peeking through the glass window. But then, the clock rang, signaling an orange-haired girl who woke up.

"Good morning, everyone! Time to get up or you'll miss breakfast!" The girl exclaimed as everyone started to get up except a short, pink-haired girl. A boy with raven hair, the side of it covering his eye, got up and tapped the sleeping girl's shoulder. She turned her brown eyes to him.

'We have to get up, Nozomi.' The boy signed to the girl, whose name was Nozomi.

Nozomi nodded as she got up and stretched her stiff limbs while letting out a yawn. She grabbed her messy blanket and was about to bring it with her until Ray grabbed it and put it on her bed.

'You have to get ready, that means you can't bring your blanket with you.' Ray signed to her as Nozomi groaned but nodded and went to go get the white outfit.

After getting her uniform like everyone else's, she went to get her shoes but having trouble with the laces. Getting frustrated, she puffed her cheeks.

"Here, let me help you," Ray told the younger girl as he tied the laces. Isn't it funny? How a girl, who was almost at the age of the three oldest, still had trouble tying her shoes? Well, Ray found it funny but never spoke a word. Nozomi then put her hand on her chin.

'Thank you.' She signed to the older boy as he nodded. Nozomi then got up and went downstairs as Ray followed.

"Good morning, Don, Conny, you too Little Bunny!" Ray heard Emma talk to the two kids, passing by them as well as the other children. Nozomi then felt someone hug her from behind, and almost screamed but should she be surprised? I mean, May does this every day.

"Good morning, Nozomi!" Ray's twin sister exclaimed as Ray signed it to Nozomi. Nozomi then let out a little chuckle and signed to Ray.

"She says good morning," Ray told her, making Nozomi nod in understanding and continued to keep her bright smile as May puffed her cheeks.

"You make her sound like she's bored of me." May argued with Ray as a irk mark popped on his forehead.

"At least I know how to communicate with her!" Ray yelled at May as both of the growled like wild dogs at each other, starting a slapping fight. Isabella then approached them.

"Now, guys, stop fighting. Nozomi, how about you go sit down?" Nozomi tilted her head sideways, not knowing what she said until Ray signed what Isabella said to her. Nozomi nodded and went to her chair.

"Ray, how about you go sit next to her? I know she's going to need to be with you again." Isabella told him as he nodded, as May got in front of him.

"No way, I'm sitting next to her!" May claimed as Ray growled as they raced their way to the seat next Nozomi.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄,  rayWhere stories live. Discover now