Chapter 9

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Bose's POV

"And then, WE KISSED!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?", Mika yells.

"MY DUDEE!!!! YOU HAD YOUR FIRST KISS!!", Miles yells.

"Yep! And I loved it..", I was remembering the kiss I had that I couldn't stop thinking about.

"That's just cute..", Mika said.

"How did you send her home?",Miles ask.

"I called an uber for her! She should be home by now"

There was suddenly a dinging sound from a phone. We checked our phones and we saw a news alert.

"News alert? About Volt!?", Miles said out loud.

We look at each other and ran out to the living room. We all jumped onto the couch and Mika turn on the tv.

"Breaking news. Volt was found unconcious at the side of the road with burnts all over her body!", Trent announces.

"That's right Trent. Luckily, someone called the ambulance in time.", Mary continues.

I sat there as tears filled my eyes.

"How can this happen? I was just with her an hour ago! She was fine!", I said out loud with a worried tone.

Mika's phone started ringing. It was Ray.

"Yea Ray?

Yea we heard the news..

Ok we'll see you there!", Mika talked to Ray on the phone.

"Come on boys, Ray wants to meet us at the superhero hospital."

We all ran out of the house quietly making sure to not wake the twin's parents.We ran to an alley to change to our uniforms and then Miles teleported us to the hospital.

When we arrived the hospital, we see Ray in his uniform sitting down.

"Any news about her?", Mika ask worriedly.

Ray shook his head and told us to take a seat.

"I shouldv'e just brought her home myself. This wouldn't have happen if i did.", I whispered to myself.

"Bose it's not your fault.", Miles said to me as he pats my back.

I hide my face in my hands as tears fall out.

(Time skip)

It's been an hour, there was still no news about her. I was worried but suddenly I sae a figure walking towards us.

"So!? Good news right?", I immediately stood up and went to the doctor.

"Good..and bad..", He said.

The rest stood up and held be from the back while listening to the doctor.

"Good news is, she's alive.", we sighed a relieve as we waited for him to continue.

"She's in a coma..". Tears ran down my cheeks as he said it. The rest hugged me from the back comforting me. "Can we see her?", Ray asked. "Not today.". He walked away as the rest tried getting me out.

"Come on Bose. We'll see her tomorrow.", Mika said in a comforting tone. We walked out of the hospital and went to an alley to transform back.

After we were in our own clothes, Ray invited us to sleepover at the mans nest so that we could see Chapa early tomorrow. We agreed as me and the twins informed our parents. We all walked back to the mans nest as they tried to comfort me.

When we arrived, we see Schwoz on the couch. "So? Is she ok?", he immediately asked as he see us walk in.

Miles explained to him what has happened to her as Mika and me grabbed some sleeping bags from the storage.

"Is there any way you could find what caused her to be in a coma?", I said to Schwoz. He looks at me in a confused look.
"Like, how was she in her Volt uniform? Why was she burnt?", I explained in an annoyed tone.

"We could just ask her later on when she wakes up", Miles said.

"Yea which will be weeks,months, YEARS LATER!!", I yelled at him. Mika calms me down.

"Guys let's get some rest. We'll see her tomorrow alright?", Ray said. We just agreed and tucked ourselves in our sleeping bag and slowly fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed <3 Iam currently writing "The Search(2)" as I write this book. So stay tune. Thanks for the votes !! ILY BABIESS AND HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY !!

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