Chapter 10

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Bose's POV

When I woke up the next day, I see everyone asleep. I decided to be the first to get dressed. When I was done, I saw Mika and Miles also dressed up.

"Since when were you guys up?", I asked.

"While you were getting dressed.", Miles said.

"Come on let's head out first!", Mika continued.

We ran out of the mans nest and walked down the streets. We hid behind a wall and transformed to our uniforms. Miles then teleported us to the superhero hospital.

"You guys here for Volt?", a lady asked.

We looked at each other and nodded.

"Room 204"

"And..where is it?", Miles asked.

"Ugh. 2nd level 4th room to your left.", She continued.

We thanked her and went to the elevator. We went up to the 2nd floor.

"4th room to our..", Mika paused. "Left!",  Miles continued. "Wasn't it right?", I asked. "Nah Iam pretty sure it's left.", Mika said. "Why so?", I asked. She points to the sign showing us the room numbers. "Ohh..".
We walked down the halls and see Chapa's room. I was the first to open the door.

I saw Chapa in her torn up Volt uniform and her mask on her. I see wires and machines all around her and there was an oxygen mask on her. I walk up to her with tears in my eyes. I grabbed her hand and hold it tightly as I kneeled next to her. Mika and Miles came in slowly and sees me crying.

"When I find out whoever did this to you..I swear, I will kill them..", I said as tears fell out.

Miles walk up to me and hug me from the back. "She's going to be ok dude.", he comforted me.  "She's strong.", Mika continued. I look up at them and smiled. Just then, Ray walks in.

"Sup.",he yelled as he walks in.

"Am I..interrupting?", he continued. I wiped my tears and shook my head. "No. Not at all", I laughed.

"How long do you think she's going to be in a coma?", Mika asked.

"Hopefully not too long..", I said.

The rest took a seat on chairs while I sat next to Chapa on the bed.

"What caused her to be in a coma tho?" , Ray  asked as he thought about it.

"They found her unconcious by the side of the street..with burnts..", Mika explained. "Is there a way Schwoz could find out?", She continued.

"It's Schwoz, he can figure out anything with science.", I said.

"Not everything..", we  screamed as we turn and see Schwoz dangling from the ceiling.

"What the. Why are you up there!?", Ray asked.

"Well they wouldn't let me in since Iam no I climed through the vent!", he explained.

We looked at him with confusion. He then pulls out a bunch of wires and his tablet.

"Iam not even gonna ask..", Ray said softly.

He connecta the wires to Chapa's brain. He then connects the wires to his tablet and started reasearching.

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