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when jieun went into the bathroom to bawl her eyes out, someone must have recognized her, even with the hood on.

eric looked slightly concerned, as to why she was acting so strange.

he wanted to walk up to her and ask jieun what the matter is, but was afraid if he'd worsen the mood.

instead of going into the bathroom to skip half of the class, he waited for jieun.


minutes later, jieun came out with her hood on.

eric was quick to catch her wrist before she went off to class again.

jieun looked up at him and gave a weak smile.

"what're you doing here, eric?" she asked.

"that's my question to you," he gulped, "is something wrong?"

that question took her by surprise.

"i'm fine.. don't worry-"

eric dragged her with him, up the stairs and to the rooftop, where he'd thought it would be more peaceful and private.

a sigh of relief heaved from erics chest as they sat down on the ground.

"you can tell me what's wrong, jieun" he assured, "i don't bite. also, what's supposed to stay between us, stays between us."

jieun nodded.

"there's just this guy that i really like and i just don't know whether he likes me back. his friends know that i like him and uhm, i guess my thoughts are disturbing me."

eric bit his bottom lip and swallowed a lump of saliva harshly.

"i get it, i like someone too. she's a literal angel, the thing is, i just can't puzzle together whether or not she likes me.."

puzzle together?

it pained jieun to know that eric had someone he loved, so she had no chance.

"so.. you think she likes you back?" the girl questioned, playing with the small pebbles on the ground

"i have an idea of that, but i don't know if i'm just too confident." he shrugged. "but looking at your side,"

jieun looked up.

"who wouldn't like a sweet heart like yours?" eric chuckled. "you're the most perfect girl anyone could ask for, and you can't tell me otherwise."

a subtle blush crawled onto her cheeks hearing his compliment.

"i could say the same for you too, eric." she giggled. "you're a really kind-hearted and funny boy.."

"that's what makes me like you so much.." she muttered.

"what was the last part?"

"nothing! just.. subconsciously started muttering to myself.." jieun defended and heard the school bell ring.

"let's stay here, i wouldn't bother going back to classes."


"relax, i'll just send jacob and the others a message to meet here, is that fine by you?" eric cut her sentence off and leaned his upper body against the high metal fences.

"unless there's something important going on? then of course you can go." the boy remarked.

"oh, no. nothing's special today." jieun sighed and took out her phone, messaging the person she'd been wanting to speak with.

• offline


hru? wyd?

eric pulled out his phone and saw his screen light up.

he messaged the person back, making jieun give a skeptical look as she stared at her screen and at erics typing fingers.

• typing...


during lunch, the boyz as well as some of jieuns close friends have gathered by the rooftop.

younghoon sat next to jieun, making her look down at her lap in guilt.

eric looked at the both of them, but an unpleasant feeling spread throughout his body when jieun went to lean over and whisper something into his ear.

younghoon nodded, standing up and excusing himself and jieun.


"listen hoon, i'm sorry for the way i yelled at you earlier, that really wasn't my intention," she sucked in a breath and continued, "i was just stressed and, y'know.."

"i get it, baeji. why're you apologizing when i know a sweet heart like yours would do that anyways?" younghoon smiled and cupped her chin with his fingers.

"don't worry about it, okay? i already know so much about you and jacob. there's nothing to be afraid of," the male ruffled up her hair, "even if you yell at me, that doesn't make me hate you."

"alright, thanks for the reassurance, hoon." she chuckled.

"not a prob, tell me when you need something. yeah?" he planted a kiss on her forehead, laughing along with her.

little did they know,

eric was watching.

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