𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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I stare out for maybe five minutes before a tap on my shoulder makes me jump out of my skin. I turn around fast to see a boy standing in front of me, he has blonde hair, quite tall with a set of brown eyes and a smirk upon his face “I didn’t mean to startle you” he says calmly “No worries someone needed to take my eyes of the window or I would of been there for hours” I laugh “Is that so” he runs a hand through is hair “Can I get you a drink” he says pulling my hand up from my side and placing a gentle kiss upon my skin.

“No thank you” I politely say trying to hide my disgust “Can I get you a bite to eat then” he laughs as this pointed teeth show, he is a vampire. The mysterious boy must of caught on by the way he shuts his mouth fast but I try to break the silence by saying “Is that a pun?”, “Of course not, I have some food in my room it’s only down the hall” he says pointing toward the door “I know your cousin Dawn, I think she wants me to be her fiancée” he laughs at the words “Does she and what kind of food” I respond “Why don’t you come have a look” he takes me by the hand once again and swiftly walks out the door into the hallway.

 I step into his room it’s nothing different to Princes although more plain, he closes the door behind me “So where’s the food?” I ask as I scan the room from corner to corner “Right in front of me” he says with a snarl, he grabs my wrists with his chilling grip in one hand and moves my hair away from my neck in another, a scream forms in my throat as I feel agony while he’s piercing my neck. The closed door behind us swings open and hits the wall, numbness spreads through me as I desperately try to escape, my eyes grow weak as my knees become weaker but just when I begin to give up Prince grabs the boy by his throat using both his hands and slams him into the wall. I stand there in horror watching him as he strangles the boy. The boy claws at Princes hands trying his best to pull the strong grip he has around his neck but he doesn’t let go, not even a little bit.

 Prince turns his head towards me I guess the rumours were true, his eyes do turn vibrant red “Go” he shouts I will do anything to get away from this so I listen to him and run as fast as I can out of the A zone, maybe vampire parties are not my type after all. As I’m running not looking behind I bump into Dawn standing outside Princes door I grab her by her hand and pull as I say “Come on lets go” in a panic we run as fast as we possibly can “What’s going on!” she shouts “I’ll explain later” I run out onto the front of the boat outside. She grabs my hand hard and pulls me towards a bench facing the sea “Tell me what’s going on right now” she says eyeing me from head to toe.

 “A boy tricked me, took me into his room and bit me here look” I say out of breath I pull my hair out the way to show her the bite marks, her mouth opens in shock as she turns pale as a ghost “We need to go to the captain report him right now” but the door we came through bursts open and comes through is Prince still holding his grip on the boys throat “No need” I whisper.

𝑰𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now