√Don't Drink Again//Harry Wells X Reader

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Summary: The reader is drunk, and she forget the most important thing in her life.

Warning: Angts and fluffffffff💕

You accidentally drink Barry's alcohol that Caitline made just for him, Team Flash and you are having some party in the cortex, you just defeat this freaking metahuman that terrorizing the city in over 3 months, 3 freaking months. The team flash decided to have a party to relax the team.

When you wake up next morning, you found yourself in the middle of the bed in your workshop, still drunk from last night.

"What the helllll, where is the partyyyy?" whispering at yourself

Crawing out of your bed, you let your eyes open and walk outside of your room to find your friends, you felt your fit touch the cold concrete floor of the corridor of the Star Lab, you still trying to remember what happen, but you still don't remember anything, you have a terrible headache, your still drunk, you still want to party, and most of all you want to drink again, you saw you friends in the middle of the cortex discussing something, you still confuse at first.

Is the party already over?

"What zuppp..party peopleeee, where is the party?" You shouted at your team wiggling you hips, all team flash are now looking at (Y/N) drunk state in the entrance of the cortex rocking back and forth.
Flashing a smile at them, you make your way at the monitor and hop on the table in the cortex.

"(Y/N)?.... are you still drunk?" Barry ask you with a confusion look and raising his one eyebrow at you

"Me?.... Drunkkk... Pfffftttt..Nooo!" You said it while closing your eyes for a second

"Mosquito, ...did-did youuuu steal myyy drink here? It's-it's missingg?" Frowning at the young scientist

"(Y/N)... It's Cisco, not mosquito" Cisco said while narrowing a look at you

You love the annoying look that Cisco give to you everytime you give him some sort of nicknames.

"It's the sameeee" You said it with a smirk

"No it's not the same" Cisco said with an annoying tone on his voice

"But seriously whereeee.. is my drink here, the blue oneee??"

"What exactly did you drink last night, before we leave?" Barry ask you

"Before you leaveee? Did-did you all leave? Is the party already overrr?" You ask the young scientist

"Dude, focus!" Cisco yelled at you

" Oh I'm sorryyy, mmmm.....ohh i remember now, ohhhh...."


" I forgett a-againnn " You said it while closing you eyes again

" Dude, walk up?! "

Opening your eyes you saw Cisco looking at you

"Fine!....mmmm the-the delicioussss drink that Caitlineee hiding in the med bayyyy yeahhh" You said it proudly

"Wait, What!?!" Caitline said narrowing at you

"Easy my friend, I'm okyyy" exhaling deeply, you just jump out of the table to grab some drink

" Where are you going? " Barry ask you

"I need a drinkkkk" You said it while walking away at the cortex

"No...enough" Barry said while grabbing your wrist

"What!?!" (Y/N) said with a sad tone on her voice

" Nooooo Barry, i-i need more drinkkk pleaseeee " You said it while running away at Barry's hold in your wrist

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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