Chapter 6: The End of the Battle

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Hope's POV:

"Hope?" Tony calls, worried when he hears my cry out in pain from my shift. It would be easier if I wasn't regretting my decision to shift already. Tony knows I'm a werewolf, but he's never seen me shift and he doesn't now I can shift on command. I finally let myself go and accept the shift.

Finally my shift is complete. I can hear Wilson yelling at Lang through the coms. "Tic Tac, she's a wolf, watch out." I race forward at super speed and jump, dead legging him with incredible force. He groans and goes down on one knee.

I get up and race over and start to circle him at super speed. I can only do this spell in wolf form since I need the super speed to generate it. I start to think my incantation and a giant funnel starts to form around Lang.

"Uh, guys! What do I do?! I can't see anything!" He yells as the funnel turns into a full on tornado. I'm wearing out. Being in wolf form doesn't give me the best energy reserves to use magic. I mean, I've only tried this once before in the year I've been able to shift.

I hear Peter yelling a plan to take him down for good. That's when he calls out to me. "Hope! Drop the funnel and get ready." I immediately drop the spell and skid to a stop outside the now dissipating funnel. Lang recovers and turns to me as Peter begins to web up his knees.

Lang must know what's coming. "Nice doggie. Easy there wolfie." I growl and bark at the nickname. "Now Hope!" Peter yells. I race forward and ram into the back of his knees, once again dead legging him, sending him crashing to the ground.

At the last second he bats Peter to the side. Eyes wide I race over to him, shifting back on the way, allowing my suit to materialize around me as I shift back so I'm not naked. I kneel by Peter's side and turn him over. "Peter? Peter are you ok?" I ask, worried. He groans and turns over.

I sigh in relief. I don't know why, but in these past few hours of knowing Peter Parker, I've grow quite attached to him. He's new to all this, and maybe that's it, but when I saw how he landed a strange fear filled me. I let out a breath as he turns over slightly.

"Kid, you alright?" Tony asks from behind me. He jerks up and starts to throw punches at me. I grab his wrists. "Same side here Parker. Hey, it's me." I tell him, ripping off my mask. He stares at me for a second before letting out a breath. "Hey Hope."

"Yeah, you're done. Both of you. Alright." "I'm good, I'm fine." "You did a good job now stay down." Tony instructs. "No, it's good. I gotta get him back." Peter says. "I got him Tony, go." He nods and takes off. "Hope, come on." Peter pleads.

"Sorry Pete, no can do. You took a hard hit, and it's ok to stay down. You did a good job." I assure him. He sighs, but nods and lays down on the ground in pain. "I can heal you if you'd like." "What?" "You have at lead two broken ribs. I can tell. I can heal you if you want."

He thinks about it before nodding. I hover my hands above his chest. "Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala." I mutter, taking his pain away first. "Thanks." "That wasn't the healing spell. I'm giving you a break from the pain because the healing spell will be just as painful as the initial injury."

He groans. "I'll do another pain relief spell after. Ok?" I ask. He groans, but nods. "I'm ready." I quickly mutter the healing spell under my breath. He groans as his bones fix themselves and I notice all the cuts on his face start to disappear.

I mutter the pain relief spell once more time before he lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Hope." "No problem Spidey." I go to stand up when he stops me. "Your mask." I sigh. "Right." I grab it and put it back on my head before helping him up.

"You know, you should get a name. I mean, if I yell Hope on the battle field it kinda defeats the purpose of you having a secret identity with that mask and all." I smile at this. "Ok Spidey, think up a name that I don't absolutely hate and you've got a deal."

Before he can say anything else I see three things flying through the sky. The Quinjet, Tony, and Rhodes. Thing is, Rhodes isn't flying...he's falling. My eyes widen. "No. Stay here Peter." I quickly shift and take off towards where Rhodes is falling.

When I reach the vicinity I shift back and raise my hands. Blue energy engulfs Rhodes and slowly, his descent slows until he is placed on the ground. I let out a breath of exhaustion. Now Tony and Peter are both at our sides. Rhodes is passed out from the rapid air pressure change.

"Is he ok?" "Yeah, just passed out. He's fine." I assure him. Tony nods, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks. Also, didn't I tell you two that you were done?" He asks. "He's fine. I healed him. He's just gonna be sore." I explain. He nods.

"Ok, now, the cops should be showing up soon so you two need to get out of here. Kids...good work." I smile up at Tony. A genuine smile. It felt good to use my powers like this. I've never done that many spells one after the other and it felt amazing. Sure I'm tired, but I feel great.

"Come on Hope." Peter says, dragging me away from Rhodes and Tony and over to where Happy is waiting for us to take us back to the hotel. I walk over to where Vision is with a passed out Wanda. I melt the ice and kneel next to her. "Surgere." She gasps awake. She sees Vision first. 

"What happened?" She then sees me and glares, the red returning to her eyes. "The fight is over. Rogers and Barnes got away, but the police are arriving soon. I'm sorry Wanda. You don't know who I am, but I know you and I know how you must be feeling after Logos." 

Her eyes narrow even more. "I just want you to know that people like us, gifted with magic ... people will always fear us and that fear will lead them to try and silence us. It'll be easy to just stop practicing altogether and to just give up, but I can tell you're strong." 

Her angry eyes turn confused. "Know that if you keep working with it...I don't see you as being able to be stopped. I got lucky today. You're powerful Wanda. I can sense it. Now own it. Also, I'm sorry we weren't on the same teams. Good luck out there." Her face softens slightly. 

"Thank you. Who are you?" I think for a second. "My names Hope. Goodbye Wanda." With that I stand and walk over to where Peter is waiting for me. "You ready?" He asks. I nod, smiling slightly. "Yeah. Let's get out of here." With that the two of us exit the battle field. 

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