Chapter 1: Another Interrupted Field Trip

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Hope's POV:

It's been almost half a year since mine and Peter's fight with Mr. Toomes on Coney Island. Since then everything has gone smoothly. A few days after the fight Tony had Happy drag the two of us to the Avengers' Compound to offer us a spot on the Avengers, which we both declined.

Peter thought it was a test, which Tony agreed with, but I know it wasn't. I mean, come on. He told us about a 'fake' press conference and then that day he proposes to Pepper on national television. Another thing I'm excited about. I'm gonna be a bridesmaid.

Pepper has been there for me the past year and a half and she feels like part of the family. Also a month ago Peter and I, while not officially a couple, are perfect. Everything seems almost too perfect to be real, but it is an I'm holding onto it. 

When things first started, I wanted to take things slow and he was more than happy to accommodate. I mean, I've been burned before and despite knowing Peter isn't like Roman, the fear is still there and he understands that.

Currently we're on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art and I couldn't be more excited. I've loved art ever since I was a kid and recently, I joined the art club at Midtown. We're on the bus right now, MJ and Ned sitting behind Peter and I as we make our way towards MoMA.

Despite today promising to be a good day I have a bad feeling deep in my gut, but I'm choosing to ignore it for the sake of today. Peter has been nervous for about a week, like he's gonna tell me something, but can't figure out how to.

And this morning he said he has something to tell me when we get to MoMA. What could he be wanting to tell me that would make him this nervous? We're just sitting and talking about random things at the moment when I see his leg start bouncing up and down.

I give him a confused look. "Pete, what's up? You've been acting nervous all week." I tell him, gently grabbing his hand in mine. He sighs, squeezing my hand. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. The exact opposite actually." He says, letting out a breathy laugh. "Are you sure?" He nods.

"Yeah, yeah definitely. Totally fine. Perfect actually." I laugh lightly at his rambling and lay my head on his shoulder. The hand holding mine moves to wrap around my shoulders. We lay like this for quite a while. Suddenly Peter stiffens. "What?" I ask, picking my head up off his shoulder.

"Something's wrong." He mutters, turning his head to look in the direction in which we just came. I do as well and both our eyes widen to see a giant, floating space ship hovering over a few buildings. Peter rapidly taps Ned on the shoulder.

"Ned, hey. We need you to cause a distraction." Peter tells him once he's grabbed his attention. Ned then spots the space ship. Holy shit. We're all gonna die! There's a space ship! Oh my God!" He cries out, bringing everyone's attention towards the space ship.

Everyone runs towards the back of the bus. Peter turns to me. "You ready?" He asks. I nod. He knows better than to try to convince me not to come with him. He tried that once and never again. He grabs his backpack quickly rips out his web shooter.

He then uses his webs to pull the emergency window wide open on the other side of the bus. He climbs through and then helps me before wrapping an arm around my waist. He pulls on his mask and grabs his backpack.

I snatch it from him so that he can hang onto the web and me without dropping either. Then, he leaps off the bus and off the bridge it's currently sitting on. I squeak a little before he catches us with a web and sends us soaring over the river, towards whatever space craft is invading earth.

We're about to go past a park, near the ship site when we see someone crash to the ground in a park. Peter and I drop to the ground and he quickly pulls on his suit while I materialize mine around me.

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