Chapter 4: Thor's Grand Entrance

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Hope's POV:

When I tell you ripping aliens to shreds in wolf form is the most stress relieving thing I've ever done, I truly mean it. I mean, come on, I don't have to hold back for fear of hurting someone, I just have to let go, which is something I've wanted to do for a long time now.

Every alien that charges me is down in less than a second. My speed is shocking to most and so is my strength. These creatures are fighting with pure animals instinct so that's how I'm fighting. I'm not holding back even in the slightest.

I'm letting my true wolf come out right now, making sure I'm able to distinguish between friend and foe. About five minuets in I shift back into human form when I find an open area. I notice Steve and T'Challa getting over run by these creatures.

I hold my hands out to my sides and let out a ear piercing scream

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I hold my hands out to my sides and let out a ear piercing scream. The wind around my picks up as as concussive force turns all the creatures around me and my allies to dust. Steve stands, nodding to me, before turning and getting back to the fight. I turn to the oncoming aliens. 

I raise my hands. "Dissulta!" Around me several aliens burst into nothing. I whip around to face the aliens coming at me from behind. "Una scar." The aliens disintegrate. Suddenly I'm surrounded. 

I fall to my knees and create a barrier around me to block their attacks, but it's faltering. I know a spell to stop this, but I just can't think of it. That's when the sky turns dark and a bright rainbow beam shoots down from the sky. An object is thrown out of it. 

The object spirals around the battlefield, aiding Steve, T'Challa, and I as we are surrounded. Once the force the creatures were putting on my shield is gone I drop it and stand. What just happened? 

When the object, that I can now see is an axe, returns to the beam, it's dropped and out steps Thor, god of thunder and one of the original Avengers that fought in New York against Loki. He has a...raccoon and a tree? 

I don't know, but the raccoon is holding a gun while the trees unarmed. I rush over and help Steve up. "Thanks." He mutters. I nod and turn back to Thor who is glowing with lightning. "Bring me Thanos!" He yells, running towards the opening in the barrier. 

Once he's close enough he flies into the air and the sky grows darker. When he lands he lets out a wave of electricity that I can feel from here. I grin. Maybe we can survive this. I rush forward, arms raised. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium!" 

I shove my hands forward and the aliens around me combust, fire surrounding them, killing those closest to them that weren't originally affected by my spell. I turn back to the barrier. There are still hoards of these creatures coming through. 

I mutter a simple protection spell around me so no one can interrupt. This spell is a spell I read in one of Dahlia's grimoires that Freya stole. It usually have several requirements, but can be done with expression magic and full concentration. I hold my hands out to my sides. 

I feel my eyes glow my werewolf gold. That's when the wind starts to pick up. Then the sky completely blackens. Lightning flashes in the sky. The spell is directly over the barrier entrance. The aliens coming through are having a hard time staying on their feet. 

Some are even flying off with the wind. I feel several hits to my protective barrier, but I hold strong. We need to deal with the aliens already inside the barrier. I can handle the ones outside for now and we can take them down later. 

Through the haze of my spell I spot something crashing through the forest just beyond the barrier. Coming from the space ships that the aliens are flooding from. From the damage they're doing to the trees in the forest, they're huge. This can't be good. 

Whatever is coming burrows under the shields and when they come up they're giant machines that look like giant lawn mowers, large enough to take out everyone here with ease. Once they're past the barrier they break off and start taking different ends of the battle field. 

One comes directly towards me. I drop my tempest spell and raise a hand towards one of them. "Mittent." I mutter. The blade coming right towards me lifts into the air. "Vados!" It explodes midair, scrap metal falling down around me. 

I turn to see Nat and Okoye about to be hit by one of the machines that remain as one and didn't break off into smaller pieces. I quickly shift and sprint towards them at full werewolf speed. I reach them in a little over a second and shift back, raising my hands. 

That's when Wanda lands beside me, hands and eyes glowing red. She nods to me and we raise our hands together. A blue mist flows from my hands and grasps onto the large machine. Her hands are emitting her normal red wisps. 

The blue and red wisps combine lift the machine off the ground. I turn to see aliens coming up on our flank. With one more nod to each other we bring our arms down in a sweeping motion, sending the machines past us and our allies and straight into the aliens behind us.

Wanda and I turn to Okoye and Nat. Okoye sends us a shocked look. "Why was she us there all this time?" She asks Nat, meaning Wanda. Wanda turns to me, ignoring Okoye's question. "Thank you for the help." I smile slightly, despite the situation we're in. 

"Of course, though you looked like you had it." She gives me a small smile at this. That's when I hear a crash and turn to the lab. Vision is falling out of it along with one of Thanos' guys. "Guys, we've got a vision situation here." Sam says through our ear pieces. 

"SOMEBODY GET TO VISION!" Steve yells. Wanda and I share a look. "Hope and I are on our way-" She gets cut off by a sharp blunt object hitting our heads, sending us into one of the mini basins that the machines carved into the beautiful Wakandan landscape. 

When I look up I spot another one of Thanos' minions. The female one. Shit. 

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