Chapter 10: Delmar's

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Hope's POV:

After school, every Monday and Wednesday, there's a thirty minute period where the decathlon team meets to practice, and with nationals coming up we've been practicing everyday. Currently I'm sitting on the gym floor, painting a poster for the Homecoming dance coming up.

Ever since Liz found out I could draw and paint she's been enlisting my help for things such as posters, flyer designs, things like that. Honestly I kind of like it. I joined too late in the school year this year to be apart of the art club, but it'll definitely be on my radar next year.

Peter is currently dropping out of nationals and breaking the new to Mr. Harrington. Suddenly Flash chimes into the conversation. "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." He asks. "Yes he has Flash. I have an internship too, remember." I remind him.

"Well then why can you go, but he can't?" Flash counters. I roll my eyes. "Because he has the big internship. I only work on certain days." "Wait, what's happening?" Cindy asks. I sigh. "Peter's not going to Washington." I inform them from my place on the floor with the poster.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. No. No. No." Cindy stutters. Abraham rings the bell. "Why not?" He asks. "Really? Right before nationals?" Liz asks. "He already quit marching band and robotics lab." MJ chimes in. Everyone turns to look at her. "I'm not obsessed with him, I'm just very observant."

"Hope, you're in for Peter, and Flash, you're up to first alternate." Liz tells us. I nod, going back to my poster. "Oof, I don't know. I gotta check my calendar first. I've got a hot date with Black Widow coming up." Abraham rings the bell again. "That is false." Mr. Harrington sighs.

"What have I told you about using the bell for comedic purposes?" He chides. Abraham just shrugs and with that practice continues like normal. As soon as it's over Peter darts out, barely waiting for me to catch up to him before walking out of the school.

We always walk home together since he always stops by Delmar's and I live a block away. "You do realize someone is gonna connect the dots, right?" I ask as we walk down the street towards the sandwich shop. "What? What are you talking about?" I roll my eyes.

"Peter, no one just drops their life because of an internship and even so, most internships excuse the person if they have a school related event. This is the third activity you've dropped since becoming, Spider-Man. I'm just saying, maybe you should rethink not going to nationals." I say.

He shakes his head. "I can't. If Mr. Stark needs me, I need to be here." "Peter, the world won't fall apart in one weekend." "Can we not talk about this, Hope, please." I sigh. "Fine, just think about what I said." He nods. "I will, but I don't think my stance on this is gonna change." I grin.

"That's what I said about school." "It's also what you said about being my partner and look who still is partnerless." I laugh at this. These past few months Peter has begged me to join him on his daily patrols, but I always refuse. It's not what I'm meant to do.

I'm the backup's backup's backup, not the main hero. We talk about random things all the way to Delmar's. "What's up Mr. Delmar." Peter calls when we enter the shop. "Hey, Mr. Parker, Miss Mikaelson. Number five right?" He asks as Peter grabs my daily package of candy.

He always pays for it, and it frustrates me to no end. One day Parker. One day. He puts it down on the counter. "Yeah, and with pickles and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks." Peter instructs. "You got it boss." The worker tells us. "How's your aunt?" Mr. Delmar asks Peter.

"Yeah, she's alright." Peter says. Delmar then turns to the employee and says something in Italian that I don't understand. Peter retorts in Italian and I guess what he said upset the man behind the counter as his smile drops and he goes over to the register. "Ten dollars."

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