Chapter 3

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Sorry this is a really short chapter. :) Please comment, vote, or become a fan. I need to know what you guys' think of my story. Im open for any comments :)


I came up seconds later laughing. To my left Tristan was doing the same. I turned around and swam the short distance to shore.  I crawled up on the sand and lay down.

“I can’t believe you did that.”

I said in a teasing voice.

Tristan gave me what do you mean I’m innocent look, which made me laugh harder.  Smiling Tristan walked over to some place behind me. I inspected my clothes. They were sopping wet and I suddenly became cold. Tristan came up behind me and handed me a baggy T-shirt and some guy shorts.


I said surprised.

“Where did you get these?”

I asked getting up.

I noticed he had changed into new shorts and a shirt.

“I made a little shack years ago to store towels, wood, matches, and extra clothes for when I come here.”

He said this with pride.

I laughed to myself and went off into the woods to change. Tristan went to start a fire.

Tristan’s POV

She laughed at my hut I was proud of. How could she laugh. I thought about this as I carried fire wood over to a spot on the sand. She probably was just joking, but I was a little offended.  I had never brought any girls here before and I don’t personally know why I did with Samantha. I have only know here for two days yet I could tell she was different. I loved seeing her laugh when I jumped off the boat  with her. Once I had the firewood in place I stuck a match. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn’t noticed Samantha.

“Can I help with anything?”

She asked.

I jumped and dropped the match on my other hand. I cursed under my breathe and ran to the water.

“I’m so sorry!”

She said wide eyed. She had ran down to the area I was squatting in the water. The cool water was soothing my hand.

“It’s okay. It’s just a small burn.”

I laughed at how worried she was. Deep inside I liked how worried she was.


She put on a pout face and walked to the shack.

I felt bad I didn’t mean to offend her. I got up and walked over to the fire wondering what she was getting in the shed. After a few minutes the finally came out carrying a first aid box. I had forgotten that I had put that in there. She came up to me and gently grabbed my wrist.

“I found this in the shack.”

She said blandly.

Not making eye contact she started rapping my hand. As she did this I took in her attire.

“You look good in my clothes.”

I said trying to have her look at me.

All she did was mumble and go on with wrapping my hand. Once she was done she started to get up. I grabbed her hand and softly pulled her toward me.

“Thanks you…”

I drew out the last word.

We were only a few inches away from each other.  She was still looking down. I gently lifted her chin with my hand. I slowly inched closer to her. Just before I could kiss her she quickly got up and ran into the woods.

I jogged after her a little dazed by what almost happened.

Samantha’s POV

What just happened! I can’t believe it we barely know each other. I finally stopped running when my lungs burned.


I heard Tristan yell behind me.

I stopped, clenched my fists, and gained the courage to look up. Out of breath he stopped in front of me.

“What the heck do you think you are doing!”

I yelled glaring at him .

“I’m… um…sorry.”

He said looking away.

Calming down I took a less defensive position.


I said feeling bad for yelling at him.


He asked looking at me.

“Yes. We are just friends nothing more.”

I said turning back toward the way we had come.

He didn’t say anymore and a awkward silence settled over us.

“Let’s head back it’s getting late.”

Tristan’s voice seemed to boom off the trees.

I simply nodded grabbing my clothes from the shack. Holding my dry clothes above my head we swam to the boat. The dark water scared me, so I didn’t look or think about it. Once we climbed on board Tristan took over and we headed toward home. I went down below and changed into my clothes. Then took my seat at  the front of the boat and let one silent tear roll down my cheek.  I could be his friend. I kept saying this to myself until we reached the dock. Tristan silently helped me off.


I said trying to smile.

“I had a fun time. I’m sorry about your hand though.”

I said as we walked off the dock.

“It’s fine. I’m sure it will heal fast.”

After he said that it was silent until we were on the front step of my house.

“Thanks again.”

I said turning and opening the door.

I quickly closed it behind me. As silently as I could I walked to my room. Changing into PJ’s I laid down on my bed. What are you doing, I kept asking myself that all night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2011 ⏰

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