Ch. 3: Gray

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Hey mages! Chapter Three has arrived! In a few chapters, I may have a competition for you. Really depends on how many of you comment.
"Natsu! Get up! We start today!" I heard an annoyingly attractive voice yell in my ear.
Ch. 3: Gray
(Aka Meet The Rest of The Host Club)
Natsu rolled over, her -that still feels weird- long, pink hair fluffed out under her head, side, and a little under her butt like a cloud as she mumbled "Five more minutes."
A ringing sound filled the house as a communications lacrima (aka mobile phone) went off in my pocket.
"This is Gray." I answered.
"Hey Gray! How's Natsu? How's the job going?" Lucy's overly cheerful voice came through.
"Hey Lucy. Natsu won't get up, and the job officially starts today."

"Oh. Well, you boys have fun."

"Riiight...." I replied, then hung up before she could say anything else. "Natsu Dragneel, get up before I tell Mitskuni and Takashi your name's really Ice Flower." I threatened, and she shot up, glaring at me and shouting "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!"
I chuckled and walked out, smirking. "Suuuuure, keep telling yourself that. And be glad Mitskuni got the school to allow you to wear something other than their uniform."
That's when h-er, she seemed to realize that a) I was in a uniform with black slacks, a white dress shirt, and blue blazer; and b) I was telling her she didn't have to be the same as everyone else.
"You clean up surprisingly well, Ice Princess." Natsu muttered, probably thinking I couldn't hear her.
"Why thank you, Fire Brain." I shut her door and nodded good morning to Takashi.
"She has adjusted well." He stated, tilting his head towards Natsu's door briefly. I nodded again. "Yeah, I kinda doubt it's really sunk in to her dense brain yet."
Takashi chuckled, then Natsu came out of her room wearing a black shirt that was similar to her vest from before, except closed and a bit girlier, and a pair of black pants along with a red ribbon holding her long hair up.
My breath hitched in my throat for a minute.
'She's pretty. Like really pretty. Maybe even more than pretty. Wait, why am I thinking this about NATSU?! Even if Natsu is a girl now, that's still weird.' I thought, not realizing she had walked over. "Gray!" She called, flicking me in between my eyes. "You there?"
Mitskuni came skipping in. "Takashi! Gray! Natsu! Let's go~! We're gonna be late if we don't~!"

•TIME SKIP- Ouran Academy•

"C'mon Popsicle Breath! Let's go explore~!" Flame Princess grabbed my hand and dragged me out of Mitskuni's vehicle, instantly recovered from her motion sickness. I just followed, until Takashi said "We have class. Come on."
The other girls, and guys, looked at us incredulously. Then the girls started doing what Lucy calls 'fangirling'; it looks...... Odd, to say the least.
Natsu then dragged me back to Mitskuni and Takashi. "Oi, Flame Face, I can walk on my own."
She let me go, and I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned around and "Natsu, on second thought, let's go now." I began dragging her away from them. Too late.
"Hey, Honey-senpai, who're they?" Two identical-sounding voices called to Mitskuni, and I cringed.
"Gray and Natsu!" He called back, not realizing he had just sealed my fate. "Fire Breath, go back to Takashi and Mitskuni. Trust me, you don't wanna be anywhere near those twins."
She nodded and kept walking.
"Hikaru. Kaoru. I believe you know who I am." I deadpanned, looking straight at them.
They grinned. "Yup! How ya been, Fullbuster?"
I sighed. "Fine."
"Really?" Kaoru asked. Yes, I can tell them apart. I've known them for too long to not be able to. I'm still surprised every time their mother mixes them up.
"Yes, Kaoru, really. Now can you leave me alone?"
I turned and left, heading back to Natsu. "Who's the girl, Gray?" They asked as they put their elbows on my shoulders.
"None ya." I answered, shrugging them off.
Mitskuni smiled and tilted his head, asking "So you already know Hika-chan and Kao-chan?"
I nodded and sighed again, causing Fire Breath to look over and smirk. "What's wrong, Ice Cube? Don't like them?" She asked sarcastically.
I gave her a blank look. "They're annoying."
Suddenly, they were over by Natsu, putting an arm on either of her shoulders, causing me to smirk. "What's your name, miss? We're Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin." They spoke together before shouting in pain as Natsu flipped them both over her shoulders onto the ground.
"What was that for?!" They whined as they stood up.
"Don't touch me." She answered.
A blonde boy with vibrant purple eyes came over. "What beautiful pink hair, Princess." I sweat dropped.
"IT IS SALMON!!!" The pinkette yelled. And stomped her foot.
"Pink!" He said back.


"Actually, it is neither color, rather a mix between the two." Came another voice.
Natsu stiffened for a moment, the ran and hugged a guy with black hair and glasses. "Kyoya! It's good to see you again!"
The guy froze, before peering down at her and asking "Natsu?"
She stopped hugging him and smiled sadly. "Yeah."
"I see." He said, before giving her a quick hug and glancing at me.
"And who is this?"
I held my hand out. "Gray Fullbuster, a pleasure."
Kyoya shook my hand. "Kyoya Ootori, likewise. And the blonde who was arguing with... Natsu is Tamaki. They're very similar."
I nodded in understanding, wow I nod a lot.
Tamaki ran over to a corner of the yard where a girl with really short hair and a boys' uniform walked onto campus. "HARUHI~~!" Tamaki called loudly as he rubbed his cheek against hers. She shoved his face away and bluntly told him "Senpai, go away."
He ran to another corner and pouted. I turned back to Kyoya. "No, even Charcoal Breath's more mature than that."
He hummed agreement. The girl walked over. "Good morning, Kyoya-senpai."
"Hello, Haruhi. I'd like to introduce Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel." At some point, she had appeared next to me.
We nodded at the same time.
"Um, I'm going to guess you're Gray." Haruhi pointed at me. I nodded. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Hey Gray!" I turned to see Mitskuni riding Takashi's shoulders down the hall, Natsu next to them.
"Hey guys!" I called back.
Natsu ran and clutched my arm, sort of hiding behind me. I froze, surprised, but didn't stop her.
"Graaaaay, they're trying to drag us to their cluuuub!" She complained as the twins rounded a corner.
"Whoa, Fullbuster, I didn't know you randomly walked around school without a shirt." Hikaru looked shocked.
I looked down. "Shit! Not again! Natsu, get off me." I tried prying her off, but it didn't work. Then that girl from earlier (she's a crossdresser paying off a debt), Haruhi, came over and deadpanned "Let him go so he can find his shirt."
"It'll be off again in less than ten minutes, so why bother?" Natsu pointed out.
They all looked astonished, but especially Tamaki, who had come around another corner with Kyoya (who by the way didn't react at all). "A young man shouldn't be without a top so frequently! It is improper for a young lady such as Natsu-" Flame Face and I both snorted. "-To be so familiar with such a horrendous act!" Tamaki proclaimed loudly, attempting to spin Fire Breath away.
Subconsciously, I growled at him; this caused Natsu to look at me sharply.
Tamaki stopped and all color faded out of him in fear as the air got colder. "Don't. Touch. Her."

Chapter Three, done! Make sure to tell me whatcha think and how I'm doing! Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Angeli XD

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