Ch. 6: Gray

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Hey mages! Chapter Six has arrived! I'm going to attempt to add some Gratsu in this chapter... Because, in case you hadn't noticed, this is a Gratsu story. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.
"Natsu, you broke a ¥9,000,000 vase. You or Mr. Fullbuster will have to pay that off." He spoke my fate. I fell sideways to the floor, Tamaki-style, then Gray said "What if both of us did?"

I shot up, looking at Kyo hopefully.
"That would work." He agreed, and thus we joined the Host Club of Ouran Academy.
Ch. 6: Gray
"So when do we start?" I asked after Natsu got off the phone with Lucy and the rest of the guild.
"Gray, you will start today. Natsu.... Umm..." Kyoya looked unsure.
The Host Club looked like they'd never seen him unsure of anything.

"I could open the doors." Natsu came up with the solution herself.
"Yes, Natsu, please do." Kyoya looked a little relieved, then hid behind his mask of indifference as my pink-haired friend walked to the doors. All of them got into position, I was assigned as the Mysteriously Rebellious Type (because that makes soooo much sense), and Natsu opened the doors as I sat on a couch.

"Welcome~." All of the hosts, including me, said as girls wearing disgustingly bright yellow dresses came flooding in.
One of the girls walked over to me, she looked familiar... Blond hair, brown eyes...
"Luce, why are you here?" Natsu asked from behind her.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Lucy's voice too, yep that's her.
"Luce, did you forget my sense of smell? Your scent is distinctive and unique."

"Oh. I wasn't expecting you to think of that."

"Just because I'm kinda dense sometimes doesn't mean I'm stupid." Natsu sounded indignant.

"Now, back to the question. Why are you here, Lucy?" I asked this time.

"Errr..... Me and Erza. WekindofsaidthespellandobviouslysinceI'mstillmeshewentthroughfirstandnowIhavenocluewheresheis?" She explained quickly.

"Try again, slower."

"Me and Erza. We kind of said the spell out loud and obviously since I'm still me she went through first and now I'm here and have no clue where she is."

Natsu and I looked at each other. "We're screwed." We said together.

We somehow found a way to get them back through but only they could go.

•TIME SKIP- Another Week•

There was a dance being held by the school this evening. I planned on asking Natsu to go as my date.

She kissed me. NATSU freaking DRAGNEEL, MY CRUSH, KISSED ME!!
I am so ridiculously happy.
Chapter six, done! Yeah, that last bit was just me being impatient.
Angeli XD

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