Chapter 8: First Introduction

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The moment I could stand and walk around, I began insisting I was fit enough to go back to work. The worst of my illness was over, but I knew I'd relapse soon if I didn't come into contact with my mate in some way. Despite my research, I couldn't be sure exactly what it was about the proximity of myself to my mate that caused the Sickness to recede, but I knew it worked. Maybe for my way home, I could steal a few things of his with his scent on... things no one would hopefully notice is missing.

It was a battle with Dr Livesay and Edna to be allowed back to work, but eventually we settled on a compromise. I would only work mornings for the next week, then I would need to have another check-up to confirm whether I was fit to work full-time. I was simply blown away by the courtesy and thoughtfulness of the people and laws here, such a strong contrast to what I grew up with. Growing up, the wolfpeople kept themselves as removed from us as possible, and there was no such thing as benefits or flexible work arrangements.

When I finished school at sixteen, as we all did, I started working full time at the local shop immediately. I was fortunate to have my disability acknowledged at all, for whilst I was incredibly bored, I was allowed to sit at the register for most of my shifts and just help with light cleaning and stacking of shelves. Like most things in the human settlement, the shop was technically human-run but the rent and profits all went to the Alpha and the Bane Council. Once a month, a Wolfwoman would arrive to collect the money and already mated Wolfmen would also help to go through the books to check everything was above board.

There was no such thing as sick pay, although we did get Sundays off. Of course, as my parents have been updating me, things have already changed dramatically back home with the new proxy council put in place after the King's takeover. But, a lot of the young adults wanted change a lot faster and were happy to come to Ardel, which seemed like a paradise in comparison. I suppose our gratitude to the King is what ensured we would be safe for Palace work; it is unlikely any of us would conspire against the Wolfman who saved us.

Huffing and puffing more than I usually would, I made my way up the now well-known stairs to the Royal quarters. Frequently stopping to cough and clear my throat, ignoring the dots dancing before my eyes and a strong sense of vertigo. Gritting my teeth I made it up the last of the stairs, and braced myself before pushing open the door.

"Took you long enough, I thought I'd have to carry you up the last flight" Henry growled, causing me to jump. I looked up to see a very stern and rather angry Wolfman glowering down on me. Fists clenched, nostrils flaring. "What on earth are you doing here if you're still ill?" He snapped.

I couldn't answer straight away, as I was still struggling to get my breath back and not start coughing again, which wasn't helping my case. All the while, Henry just looked furiously down at me as he saw me hold back my splutters. "You should not even be climbing these stairs, a woman in your condition."

But, that was one thing too far. "And, what do you mean by that?" I snapped back, forgetting for the moment how tall and muscular this Warrior was. His visit to me the other day had broken down some of the cavernous gap between us.

Henry began shifting and backpedalling, "I just, I meant with your... cold that"

I cut over him, "you meant my leg and don't pretend otherwise."

We both stared at each other angrily for a few moments, neither of budging from our campaign to be right. I might have been raised to fear his kind, but neither had I been brought up to be a pushover.

To my surprise, Henry's eyes softened and he grinned that infuriating smile that I was quickly learning meant trouble. "I prefer it when you're all riled up. You're quite the spitfire!"

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